Why do Hindus Walk around Fire 7 Times?

A Hindu marriage is replete with small ceremonies that make it lively and colorful. However, this should not be interpreted as mere whims and trends. On the contrary, there is an immense significance attached to these ceremonies. So, let’s read along to know why walking around the fire 7 times is considered auspicious in a Hindu wedding.

Everything, from air to water to fire and earth, is considered holy in the Hindu tradition. Fire or the Agni God is said to purify everything. Immense significance is attached to fire, as seen from the rituals performed at the birth, marriage, and death in a Hindu family. Any significant occasion is accompanied by a havan where the family seeks the blessings of Agni Dev or the fire god. Therefore, it is no wonder that Hindu couples walk around the fire during the wedding ceremony. The reason for circumambulating 7 times is related to the seven vows taken by the couple during their wedding.

Why Do Hindus Walk Around Fire 7 Times

Here is What They Pledge to Each Other in the 7 Pheras:

1. In the first phera, the couple prays for food and nourishment for the family. They also pledge for the welfare and happiness of their family members and promise to share their responsibilities.

2. In the second phera, they promise to be each other’s strength. They vow undying loyalty to each other and promise to stand with each other through thick and thin. The groom also promises to provide mental, physical, and financial stability to the bride and family.

3. In the third phera, the couple asks for prosperity and wealth for the family. The bride promises to act responsibly in maintaining resources and promises loyalty to the groom.

4. The fourth phera involves committing each other to the well-being of the family’s elders. The groom promises to respect the wife’s wishes and include her in all major life decisions. The bride, too, affirms that she will stand y him through all his commitments and give her consent for all his decision.

5. The fifth phera involves asking for blessings for healthy and obedient children. The couple also promises to understand and care for each other and always share their happiness and sorrows.

6. In the sixth phera, they vow to love and respect each other and stay by each other’s side in times of happiness and sorrow.

7. The seventh phera promises an undying friendship and asks for divine blessings to unite their souls.

If you wish to experience the beauty of this wonderful ceremony, search for your life partner using the matrimonial site Wedgate Matrimony.

Must Read: Significance of the 7 Promises in Hindu Marriage