Significance of the 7 Promises in Hindu Marriage

However colorful and grand our Hindu marriages are, the sanctity of the wedding lies in the many rituals that take place before, during, and after the wedding. The most important of the rituals is the taking of the seven vows or promises before the Holy fire. This is recited by the couple, and they walk around the Holy Fire in solemnity, promising their love and commitment towards one another.

All the mantras and the prayers are recited in Sanskrit mostly. So, have you ever wondered what they mean and how they signify the start of the mutual relationship between the couple?

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Significance of the 7 Promises in Hindu Marriage

Here’s the Explanation Behind Them: Significance of the 7 Promises in Hindu Marriage

1. The first vow or phera (as it is referred to in Sanskrit) is the mutual promise between the couple that they will pray to their Gods for food and nourishment. This is the promise to acknowledge to stay together long enough with love and respect in their life.

2. In the second phera, the couple does pray for their mental, spiritual, and physical strength to lead a good life that each other can share & enjoy as one couple.

3. The third promise is from the bride seeking her partner to partake along with her in all three stages of her life. Together they also pray for the increase of their wealth through the righteous means and the gift to use them for spiritual purposes.

4. The fourth phera is one of the very important vows where the couple promise to take the responsibilities of being married and oblige with them in all harmony. For undertaking this, the married couple will respect their parents, and live a life of trust and love.

5. The fifth promise of love is from the couple asking God for the blessings of kind, courageous and healthy children. They promise to take care of the needs of the children that they will be blessed with in terms of their education and their love & care

6. The significant vow among the rest is the sixth phera that focuses on the bounty of health. The couple prays for a long and peaceful life that is blessed with harmony.

7. The final vow or phera is the commitment that the couple promise for a lifetime – with loyalty, understanding, and unity. The eternal promise of love in the final vow binds them as a couple in marriage.

Many families seek the help of a marriage bureau for the arrangement of a good and sanctimonious Hindu wedding. Wedgate Matrimony is a trusted partner for matrimonial services and we can help with the organizing of a pious Hindu wedding according to your family customs.

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