Since marriages nowadays need a mission, men also require a mission. A man today doesn’t get a certain mission from God. The original pattern of God of creating a man, providing him a mission, and granting him a wife as spouse and helper describe the lasting design of God for marriage. Some men remain unmarried and get that assistance from their fellow laborers and friends instead of a wife. Most men follow God’s creation rule with the help that comes from their wives.
Dream, draw, and do are three-part frameworks that husbands should work upon to live with their wives as treasured women and dear helpers.
1. Dream
The leadership of a husband usually starts with a dream. He looks upon his home, kids, family, and many other things. A wife will perform her fair share of dreaming. A husband will value her dreams. He must understand his special responsibility of further taking the family, instead of waiting for his wife.
2. Draw
With humility, patience, wisdom, and tenderness, a man must draw his wife in and out. He must welcome her into his dreaming by getting her impressions, asking for feedback, and listening to her counsel. In drawing her out, a husband imagines how their mission as one can make the best use of her abilities.
3. Do
When a husband dreamed for his family and draws his wife in and out, he must act. He must take the initiative towards the uncultivated edge of the garden. For example, get the kids for family devotions, organize a block party for neighbors, etc.
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