How to Use Matrimonial Websites in a Secured Way?

India is known widely for its diverse religion and culture. Arranged marriages in India are one of the leading ways of getting married. When it comes to marriage in India, religion and caste play a very crucial role in fixing arrange marriages. But the form of arranged marriage has evolved over time as opposed to yesteryears when matches were made between two people who have never ever met in life. Now the decision of marriage isn’t restricted to elders of the family only, but you have equal or more power on whom to marry. A Matrimonial Agency and Second Marriage Brokers in Delhi can help you in finding your partner with whom you can connect for life.

Certain thumb rules will help you to get cheated before selecting the online matrimony site. They are:

Verified matrimonial websites must be selected – Check authenticity and reviews of the website before registering on any particular matrimonial website. You may talk to your family and friends to know about reliable websites. If possible, you may try connecting to people who have found their life partners through online matrimonial platforms. Unreliable websites can lead to fraud. The site must be a secure website.

New e-mail id for matrimonial websites – For registration on matrimonial websites, you must create a new e-mail id. It is advisable that you use e-mail as a communication source and avoid sharing any of your personal data namely, phone number, photo, house address, etc. on matrimonial websites.

Proper background check of the prospective match – Try conducting an end-to-end background check of the prospective groom or bride. To know more about him/ her try to contact family, workplace, friends, neighbors, relatives, or associates.

Keep your family informed –Do not forget to share information about the prospective match with your family. Your family must know of all the information you have shared with the prospective match.

Meet in a public place – Meeting the prospective match in a public place is recommended as you don’t know what kind of person she or he might be in reality. Also, your family and friends must be prior informed about the meeting.

Any request for money should be rejected – Never offer any financial help to the prospective match and do not transfer funds as well. You should become cautious and avoid any further communication the moment someone asks you for money citing whatever reason.

Though online matrimonial platforms have emerged as a popular way of finding a suitable match, with the advent of digital technology, but following the above guidelines will help you to escape any kind of fraud.

Also Read: Is Marrying Late The Latest Trend In India?

Is Marrying Late the Latest Trend in India?

Marriage is an important milestone, though the institution is losing its sheen with the current ‘no commitment’ generation preferring to live in rather than go through the entire rigmarole of getting married. However, there are still many people who believe in committing themselves to each other and tying the knot. Unlike earlier times when people used to get married early, sometimes even as a child, these days people prefer to marry late. It often makes one think whether this is a passing fad or something likely to become the new norm? According to a late marriage bureau in Delhi these are some of the popular reasons why people are choosing to marry late:

1. Becoming educated – Education is important, not just for your self-esteem but also for your personality development. The scenario has changed considerably in the past 6-7 decades. Earlier people used to get their sons and daughters married before they had a chance to pursue their studying dream, now, people are not ready to put their education on hold to settle personally in life.

2. Gaining financial independence – While earlier girls used to depend on their husbands or in-laws to provide for them, it is no longer the norm. With high standards of living, the working of both the partners has become essential these days. If you wish to earn big bucks, not only do you require quality education, but also adequate experience. Moreover, once you start earning, putting everything on hold to move to a new city due to marriage is often not a priority, neither for girls nor boys.

3. Not ready for responsibility – Every new move, whether it is from school to college, or from studies to earning requires responsibility on your part. Getting married also involves sharing the responsibility of your partner and your family, whether that involves parents or the kids. Many times, both girls and boys are not ready to leave their comfort zone and uproot themselves for the sake of tying the knot.

Though, it seems that the trend of marrying late is reasonable and here to stay, there are certain disadvantages to this. According to experts, marrying late often puts you under pressure to start your family soon, else there are several complications in having a healthy child. Moreover, adjusting to the family becomes exceedingly difficult at a later age. If you know someone who is looking for a match, then Wedgate Matrimony is an excellent late marriage site that can help you find a suitable match easily and quickly.

Also Read: How Do Matrimonial Sites Help You In Finding Your Dream Partner?

Why is Remarriage Considered Taboo in Indian Society?

Marriage is a sacred institution and one that has been emphasized upon, especially in India. Society considers marriage an especially important personal milestone that must be accomplished at the correct age. Gender discrimination is prevalent even in this area as most often males are given the choice of whether they choose to marry or not, and when they choose to do so, while girls should be married by a certain age. With changing times, the situation regarding late marriages and remarriages is changing, yet the mindset of the public, in general, remains the same. Here is decoding why remarriage and divorce are still looked down upon…

• In India, marriages are considered to be a lifelong commitment. In fact, according to traditions, you are choosing to be with the person for not just this life, but for the next seven ones! With such a mindset, digesting the fact that someone chose to break the sacred bond of marriage and decided to walk out of the relationship is quite rare. However, with several second marriage brokers like Wedgate Matrimony working full time to find a life partner for divorced people, the situation is changing.

• Most of the time, when you marry a person in India, you end up accommodating their entire family. Adjusting with the whims and fancies of members in a new household is not an easy task for the girl, especially when you marry late. These adjustment issues often become the foundation stone of building dissent which ultimately leads to discord between the couple. If matters are not settled timely with love and patience, the chances of the couple reconciling are exceedingly rare.

• Many times, people who underwent the trauma of a broken marriage are looked down upon and unfairly labeled as unaccommodating, difficult, and faulty to the core. People often refrain from mingling with such men and women and even their families are ostracised.

• With several instances of ill-treatment of the family members and children at the hand of stepparents, people are often not willing to seek alliances specifically from divorced boys or girls.

With changing times, the perception about remarriages too is changing. People are willing to give themselves another chance to love and even families are opening to the idea of remarriage. There are several cases where men have remarried divorced women and open-heartedly welcomed them along with their children to their homes and lives. Many people take the help of sites handling remarriage matrimony in Delhi to find suitable matches for themselves.

Also Read: A Step-By-Step Guide To Find The Perfect Bride Using Online Matchmaker Services.

A step-by-step guide to find the perfect bride using online matchmaker services

After deciding where to study, whom to marry is one of the major issues that men need to tackle. It is important to trust experienced matrimonial agents in Delhi to find the perfect bride for yourself. With everything shifting online, why should matchmaking be restricted to traditional ways of pundits and relatives? People have opted to ditch the traditional route and have started trusting professionals when it comes to taking the most important decision of their lives. As a result, most people are rushing ahead and creating a profile on online matrimonial sites.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you with your search:

1. The primary step is to find matrimonial services in Delhi that have an excellent performance record. Several known platforms have proved cupid for many couples and many people have found everlasting happiness thanks to these matrimonial sites. you can ask around for references from family and friends.

2. Create a profile for yourself specifying details about yourself. Do not forget to include your hobbies, likes and dislikes, and a nice profile picture. Most good matrimonial sites verify the details provided by the applicants before making the profile public. Thus, be true about the details including your job description and salary.

3. Be clear about your preferences concerning geographic location, caste, job preference, etc. These things will help narrow down prospective matches for you. Your preferences are used to filter the various profiles available in their database.

4. Once you have provided details regarding your preference, you will be provided with shortlisted options with whom you can chat to know more about their interests, family, friends, and expectations from the future.

5. It is important to consult your family, especially if they want horoscopes to be matched. Once that is out of the picture and if you feel comfortable chatting with someone whom you have met through the matrimonial site, you can meet them in person and discuss things ahead. A face-to-face meeting would help you gauge the person’s behavior and nature in person.

6. If everything goes well, meet the girl a couple of times; check more about their family background and their personality. The marriage bureau can help set a meeting of the two families if things go as planned.

Ensure that you enlist the help of a trusted matrimonial agency in Delhi like Wedgate Matrimony to find you a suitable bride.

Also Read: Are Online Marriage Services A Viable Option While Looking For A Perfect Groom Online?

Are Online Marriage Services a Viable Option While Looking for A Perfect Groom Online?

Finding the partner of your dream is easier said than done. Everyone has been fed on an overdose of romantic movies where everyone is either picture perfect or a wolf in a sheep’s clothing. Well, the real world is not so black and white, and finding true love is not as easy as shown in movies and TV serials. In the real world, finding a suitable groom for yourself is extremely tough. However, with several matrimonial services in Delhi coming to your aid, managing things is a bit easier.

Most of us will agree that there is no such thing as a perfect partner. There may be a person who is compatible with you and therefore is perfect for you, though the world might not agree with it. This is because perfection does not exist. However, this should not deter you from finding a dream match for yourself.

Why is it difficult to find a dream match?


For starters, dreams are quite unrealistic in the real world. In India, not only is getting married an extravagant affair, finding a suitable match for your marriageable girl is an altogether different affair. Making a biodata for the girl specifying her best attributes and educational qualification is essential and we should certainly not forget the horoscope since most families believe in getting them matched before the conversation can move ahead.

If you are social and have relatives who can help you find a suitable match for your girl then you are quite lucky, else, you need to take the help of the best marriage bureau in Delhi to sort through the plethora of options that will be available to you through their vast database. One of the major hurdles people used to face while looking for a match for their daughter was finding out whether the details provided by the prospective groom are accurate or not. With the development of technology, this has become extremely easy.

Most of the elite matrimonial services in Delhi such as Wedgate Matrimony help thousands of girls to find a suitable groom for them. Creating a profile is extremely easy on these sites and you can specify your requirements for your partner. Thanks to their verification process and excellent algorithms, you are provided with an array of profiles that are not only verified but also match your criteria. This way you can communicate with shortlisted candidates to find out which one matches your dreams.

Also Read: How To Plan For A Successful NRI Wedding?

How to plan for a successful NRI wedding?

Many Indians have settled down in different countries across the world. Also, you know that India is the second-largest population in the world. Hence it is obvious that a sizeable populace will be looking out for non-resident Indians who are residing in other countries. As it gives them the opportunity to live abroad, Indians have been fascinated with NRI men and women since many years. If NRI matrimony fascinates you, NRI matrimonial services in Delhi can plan for you very efficiently. One of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life is to find a life partner. This decision is very crucial and it decides with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life. So, your partner for NRI marriages cannot be selected without proper searching.

Some very important things that you need to keep in mind when you are on the lookout for an NRI bride or NRI groom are:

  • Don’t Settle With Anything Less –  You will find many options out there and you must not settle with someone on whom you are doubtful. If your prospective match is trying to impose some rules on you and you feel he or she is not compatible, never settle for such matches.
  • Perform In-Depth Check – If you are going for a USA matrimonial or in any other part of the world, you need to become very specific in your search, as you will spend your life away from your parents and in a foreign country. Try to be precise about their work culture, hobbies, and everything so that any unnecessary problems can be avoided in the future.
  • Open-Mindedness – It is very important that you have some space for negotiation, even though you need to be very specific in choosing your partner. Being open-minded would lead you to better prospects.

Rushing into things and planning is the first thing you must not do in NRI matrimony. Hasty decisions can lead to more expenses during the wedding function. Try cutting down the functions irrespective of whether you planned the NRI wedding in India or in a foreign country. It is simple, the more functions you hold, the bigger is the expense. That precious money could rather be used in properly settling down in a foreign country and accommodate all the necessary requirements. It is better to keep the wedding guest list exclusive and avoid spending an extra penny spent on airfare and their stay and other provisions.

If you keep these things in mind you can have a beautiful and successful and wedding and life after.

Also Read: How Matchmaking Services Are So Popular Now a days?

How matchmaking services are so popular now a days?

Before the Online Matrimonial Sites became so popular, finding life partners had never been so easy. For people who are too busy in their lives and don’t have time to get out and meet new people these services bring the perfect and convenient option. In earlier days finding a partner for yourself or any family member comprised of various complicated processes like enquiring for prospects through friends or relatives, putting advertisements in newspapers, etc. But with the advancement of technology and the internet, the hassles attached to finding the right match for a guy or girl are greatly simplified.

Matrimonial Sites comes with both their pros and cons. They have some advantages over traditional matrimonial methods. They are as follows:

1. There is a wide array of choices for both the prospective bride and groom. This is one of the most important advantages that matrimonial sites have over traditional matrimonial methods. You have the facility and freedom to look for someone in your same profession, community-specific choices, same religion, and same interests along with a multitude of options. You may browse through numerous profiles and choose accordingly.

2. Another important factor is safety and security. If you register with a matrimonial site your contact information is shared with few selective people who had shown interest in your profile. Unfortunately, your contact information is displayed openly in mediums like newspapers and can be misused in the case of traditional matrimony advertisements.

3. It is simple for you to find like-minded people since detailed sections are dedicated to hobbies, interests, and extra-curricular activities. Having a like-minded person as a life partner is the greatest bliss.

4. In Online Matrimonial Sites, finding a prospective life partner can be a private affair whereas in conventional matrimonial methods there is a lack of privacy, as everyone comes to know about the groom or bride seeking process through word of mouth.

5. Online matrimonial sites are quite cost-effective when compared to traditional methods. Age-old matrimonial services involved processes like advertising in newspapers and registrations in the marriage bureau which charged a heavy fee. But usually, in online matchmaking services, you can create a marriage profile for free and it will not incur any cost.

6. Few particular online matrimonial sites will give you the option to chat with your selected match. This is really helpful for people as they can get to know each other better beforehand.

So if want to find your life partner you can avail the services of popular matrimonial agents in Delhi like wedgate matrimonial services and get your dream match.

Also Read: Know About The Elaborate Hindu Marriages.

Know about the elaborate Hindu marriages

Weddings in India especially a Hindu wedding is an intricately planned, vibrant, culture-rich festivities full of tradition and celebration. The Hindu wedding ceremony is not merely the union of two people in physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects but it means the coming together of two families with celebration and prayer.

1. Performance at the Sangeet  -There’s a gathering called the ‘sangeet’ where family members come together to dance, sing and revel in the upcoming union prior to the actual wedding.

2. Mehendi ceremony – The wedding is kicked off by a big party traditionally the mehndi ceremony, attended only by the bride’s close female friends and family members. Henna paste is used to do intricate designs on the bride’s hands and feet, during the festivities. Commonly the designs are made with floral motifs, but the bride’s partner’s name is hidden within the artwork and later the bride and groom have to find it —a process that tests their patience in their marriage.

3. KanyadaanThe bride is led to the ceremony by her uncle or brothers. The tradition of the father giving away the bride is referred to as the kanyadaan. In the Hindu tradition, as a gesture of giving the daughter away, the father of the bride places his daughter’s hands into her husband’s hands.

4. The Couple Weds Under a Mandap  – The wedding altar called the mandap, is constructed as a temporary structure and decorated with flowers and greenery, fabric, and crystals. A fire is kindled in the center of the mandap. As Hindu marriage is a sacrament hence fire is kept as a witness, and then offerings are made.

5. Floral Garlands are exchanged during the Jai Mala  – A garland comprised of strung flowers is called the “Jai mala” which is exchanged between the newlyweds. Husband and wife each wear a Jai mala and the ritual ends. The spouse then ties a necklace of black and gold beads called the mangalsutra around the bride’s neck. It is believed Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, and prosperity, resides in the auspicious thread, and blesses the couple.

6. Seven turns – The saptapadi is an important ritual where the garments of the newly-weds are tied together and they need to make seven circles around the ceremonial fire.

7. Sindoor on the bride’s forehead  – A red-orange powder called Sindoor is applied by the groom on the forehead of the bride to symbolize her new status as a married woman.

A perfect marriage is a dream for both the bride and the groom and therefore it is of utmost importance that you select the best Matrimonial firm to come to your aid. Wedgate matrimonial services are a reputed name when it comes to hiring the Best Hindu marriage bureau in Delhi.

Also Read: Important Tips To Get A Dependable Matrimonial Platform.

Important Tips to Get a dependable Matrimonial Platform

Marriage is a life-changing and a lifetime decision. So, you must be extra careful while choosing a matrimony platform for your need. Are you getting late for marriage? Taking the matrimonial services is the best option for you if your answer is a yes. Numerous companies are there to assist you if you are seeking help from a matrimonial company. You may go through the matrimonial services, but it is important that you make a foolproof verification inquiry before making any final decision. Don’t put your life-decision at risk when a little research and homework can save your life. A marriage bureau has become a perfect way to find the desired life partner where one can go through a lot of profiles, and choose the one as per his or her preference. The best matrimonial services in Delhi have been opened with the motive of lightening the fright of groom and bride search.

The following tips can aid you to handpick the best matrimony company for you.


  • Proper validation of company profile –Check the company’s profile properly if you wish to take help from a matrimonial company for your marriage. To ensure that you do not get connected with the fraud people this checking procedure is very necessary.
  • Don’t be in a haste – You have known since childhood slow and steady wins the race. It is a matter of marriage, you are not going to get another chance so don’t make too much haste. Start the process of searching for a life partner only if you are satisfied with your selected matrimony company.
  • Never make any payment without verification – Never pay money if you have any doubt in your mind, in case your chosen matrimonial service provider is asking for money. Firstly check their background correctly if they are asking for the money and then pay once you are totally satisfied.
  • Listen to your guts – Don’t go with Matrimony Company if there is any suspension. A minor mistake may result in a great disaster since it involves your life. Regardless of the extent of the research, you have done there might be times when you’re not sure about the reliability of the provider. So, make use of your common sense and take a step forward.

Make use of these tips to select the best matrimonial service provider. A lot of chances are there to get a perfect life partner if you choose the best marriage bureau.

Also Read: What Is The Difference Between Paid And Free Matrimonial Sites?