Can People in Arranged Marriages Really Fall in Love?

Most of the countries around the world, live by the thought of ‘first one falls in love, then they proceed to get married’. But can it be the other way round? Can couples who assure their commitment in arranged marriages eventually find or rather fall in love after marriage? Yes – it is possible.

Marriage experts and matrimonial services providers speak about successful couples who find love after their marriage. This is not uncommon in countries like India, where the couples believe in the tradition of arranged marriages – they enter a commitment of life trusting that they find love in the partner that the family chooses for them.

rings, marriage, couple, bride, groom

The key mantra is about understanding each other’s priorities and sharing the same – be it family, career, love, or relationships. The bonding between the couples is slow but the foundation is strong and not driven by mere passion. When families are at the matchmaking phase, they look more towards the compatibility aspects of the couple rather than merely checking their horoscopes. Arranged marriages bring together two people who have been brought up in similar family backgrounds and values. They are more inclined towards understanding and respecting their beliefs mutually – why wouldn’t this be a ground to respect and love your partner?

Falling in love doesn’t start with the moment that the couples say, ‘I do’. It will be an ongoing process that generally calls for some effort on each of them. Arranged marriages have two individuals who know that understanding each other and their interests will be important to make this work. The slow and steady process of knowing each other involves spending a lot of time together, doing the common hobbies as a couple, participating in events where they share common interests, and obviously talking through how they want to phase out their lives. These smaller attempts of knowing the partner can establish the trust needed in the relationship and will spark the fire of love among them.

The entry of a child into the lives of couples has only been found to have added more love and respect for each other. The joint responsibility in bringing up their child with mutually partaking in childcare activities has been supportive to the couples’ respect and love for each other.

Several agencies have their matrimonial site, rendering their services to arrange a good wedding depending on the interests in the family. If you are seeking such assistance, Wedgate Matrimony would be your right choice. They have been closely working with families for the marriages of their children.

Don’t Miss: Why Arranged Marriages are More Successful than Love Marriages in India?

Why Arranged Marriages are More Successful than Love Marriages in India?

In Indian society, marriage is seen to be more than just a union of two people – it is perceived to be a union of families, the union of cultures, and the union of beliefs. The sanctity of marriage is tied to the fact that the couples are perfectly matched according to the religion and community beliefs that exist. Hence at least 80% of Indian marriages are arranged by families and it has been established that they are more successful than love marriages.

Must Read: What is Better? Arranged or Love Marriage?

Some Reasons Why Arranged Marriages are More Successful than Love Marriages in India:

1. Entrusting parents with the responsibility of finding the right partner for you has gone deep with our Indian beliefs. The younger generation cannot deny the fact that parents can decide for your wellbeing and they can rightfully find the person whom you will like and who will be the right partner to you. To top it, the arranged marriage structure has been well established in our society to back up the current generation.

2. Matchmaking according to religious and community beliefs plays a vital role and in the case of arranged marriages, these are well-taken care of. It automatically brings a sense of security to be following the customary practice of matchmaking for prospective people. Love marriages, on the other hand, mostly override these sentiments and hence are not a big welcome among families who believe in such practices.

3. Arranged marriages open the affiliation between two families of similar nature – financial, educational, and cultural. The saying that marriages are about the coming together of two families is not an understatement. In arranged marriages, families get acquainted and can bond well for the union of their prospective bride/groom. The relationship continues quite in a harmony throughout the couple’s lifetime.

4. Arranged marriages begin a relationship with lesser expectations among individuals. Partners entering the commitment of marriage through arranged means are open to understanding each other over a period, give room for sharing opinions, partake in cultural activities of similar nature, and eventually grow to love & respect one another. This results in very little discord among them – it is one of the reasons why arranged marriages end up in the happily ever after scenario and divorces are quite less compared to love marriages.

If you reside in the capital city, several matrimonial services in Delhi continue to facilitate arranged marriage procedures and Wedgate Matrimony is one of the leading matrimonial agencies that can help you. Wedgate works with families to bring home the right partner into the lives of our younger generation.

Must Read: Positive and Negative Aspects Of Arranged Marriage

5 Things That Highlight That the Couples are Made for Each Other

Marriage is considered to be a Sanctuary institution for a happily ever after. Many couples are skeptical before they tie the knot and lots of things go on in their minds. Even if yours is a love marriage, and you have known your partner for a long time, getting married is a huge deal. To top it all, all the formalities, shenanigans, rituals that you need to take care of, of course along with your relatives, can be a huge as well as a daunting task.

To avoid all this chaos and confusion, it is best to consult good and experienced Wedding planners or marriage bureau in south Delhi, who not only simplify all the tasks for you but also take care of all the ritual preparations and other wedding to-a-dos while you can concentrate on your wedding emotions.

Things That Highlight That the Couples are Made for Each Other

While marriage is a mature decision along with a lot of social responsibility, it is important that the couple be straightforward to each other and ask each other these questions straight-forward.

1. Stay on the Same Page – Each person has their own sentiment and thought process, while both might want to plan for a child, it is important to stay on the same page.

2. Empathize – Fights are natural between any 2 human beings; be it couples before or after marriage. But most important is how well you understand each other and their problem.

3. No Sacrifice – People often say that people who love each other must sacrifice for each other. However, more than sacrifice it is important to make your partner understand your perspective and make them agree with your thought process.

4. Telepathy – Telepathy is a strong form of understanding and love. It is emotionally connecting with your partner in all notions when they need you or think about you.

5. Synchronization – Getting along, the fundamental to prosperous wedding life. Like music, when you simply blend along and are in tune with the acts and movements of your life partner.

Planning a wedding is no child play, and for that, you require experienced hands in the market. If you are searching for Matrimonial sites in India to make your special moment more joyous with less hassle work, do not forget to check out the services of Wedgate Matrimony. They provide enhanced wedding support to make your wedding more memorable.

Must Read: 5 Secret Tips for Happy Married Life

Is Signing-up with a Marriage Bureau Beneficial?

Marriage is an integral part of life. As Indians, we believe marriage is a connection between two families. Nowadays, people have found a reliable way of finding soul mates with marriage bureaus. Marriage bureaus have emerged as one of the best ways to find partners- where we can search a lot of profiles and choose as required.

There are some of India’s best marriage bureaus in Delhi. The services provided are both elite and basic. It’s up to us what we want to choose and customize. The main reason behind the growing popularity of marriage bureaus in Delhi and India is the struggle and hardship families have to go through while pursuing the traditional system of looking up brides and grooms.

We all have seen or known of families searching for bride and groom for days and days with numerous arrangements and pressure only to land up in an unsatisfied and unfulfilled marriage.

Is Signing-up with a Marriage Bureau Beneficial (1)
Best marriage bureau in West Delhi provides authentic services. You may go for free registration, have a verified profile, and enjoy security and privacy along with many more facilities that won’t be offered in traditional systems. Needless to say, it is quite simple and easy to register and operate marriage bureaus websites. Anybody can operate it. You too can!

Financially also, signing up with marriage bureaus is a good choice. If one goes on looking for grooms and brides through word of mouth and skipping marriage bureaus then the expense is going to be about the same or even more. Plus, we cannot overlook the amount of energy this whole process takes away.

Here are Some of the Genuine Benefits of Contacting the Best Marriage Bureau in Delhi

1. Unlimited Profiles – Your relatives and friend may bring you a few potential brides or grooms, whereas, matrimonial bureaus offer a thousand options. You can access all these profiles simply by sitting in the comfort of your home.

2. No Formalities – What formalities you will perform through your phone? Obliviously none, no introduction, no family visiting, and many more comforts.

3. Budget-Friendly – As mentioned above, the expense is pretty much nominal. Considering the benefits, people usually do not mind paying if the bureau provides genuine services. those are some best benefits of using a marriage bureau.

It is indeed difficult to pick the right bureau. In Delhi, There are a lot of Matrimonial Sites in India, however, Wedgate Matrimony along with a few others are provided praiseworthy matrimonial services.

Must Read: Are you thinking of signing up with a marriage bureau? Here’s what to do

5 Secret Tips for Happy Married Life

Living happily ever after isn’t just a fairy tale thing in relationships. Married lives can be really a happy story to share with generations that come after you. There are several aspects to the marital life that couples can efficiently take care of – be assured, they are the secrets to a well contented and happy married life and search life partner online with Wedgate Matrimony.

Let’s check out 5 Secret Tips for Happy Married Life –

1. Laugh Together – Does it sound silly when we tell you that laughing along with your partner can result in being happy all the time? Trust us, it is not. In a life that is mostly stressful, grab moments where you can appreciate each other’s sense of humor and are able to laugh together. Talking through silly jokes, watching your favorite shows that help you laugh are small things that can do as a couple.

2. Accept Changes – Couples, entering the commitment need to be prepared to accept changes in due course of their marital life. To change for your partner in times that are needed and to accept them mutually are a big boost to relationships. Being flexible partners in life work wonders in marriage life. Respect the fact that your partner is a person who can grow out of habits, learn new things, and change for the better

3. Appreciate Each Other – It is quite important to not take your partners for granted. Learn to appreciate small things that they do and applaud them for their big achievements. Every partner needs to be the person that your spouse will reach out to you for comfort, solace, and appreciation – learn to be ‘the person.

4. Agree to Disagree – In marital lives, the two individuals are entitled to an opinion of themselves. Couples need to communicate effectively their opinions and in cases of disagreement, understand the perspectives causing the disagreement. Agree with the fact that happy couples do argue and disagree mostly too. But ensure that your disagreements need to be confined to specific topics or situations and do not hurt the overall essence of your marital life

5. Celebrate Commitment – Staying committed is a strong word in today’s scenario. It will be worthy to seize the opportunities to celebrate smaller milestones and celebrate your partnership in this married life. Celebrating good moments of your marital journey makes the entire life a memorable and blissful experience for one another.

Are you happy to embark on a journey of a happy life? Reach out to Wedgate Matrimony, one of the best marriage bureaus in Delhi. They have been associated with families in Delhi for finding suitable partners for prospective people.

Must Read: Why Marrying Late is Better Than Marrying Wrong?

Is Re-Marriage a Scary Deal?

Well, if the above question is to be addressed in a one-liner then let me tell you –No! Second marriages are not scary and here is all that you need to know before you embark on this journey:

Is Re-Marriage a Scary Deal?

Realistic and You Know It Better Now

It is time to get over all the taboos and take control of life. The mistakes that you and your partner made in the first marriage are now known to you. If not all, at least the major ones are crystal clear and you would not be handling it in the same way you did before. Re-marriages have a sense of maturity about them because you are now a well-informed person. This is one of the prime reasons why re- marriages work and remarriage matrimony in Delhi NCR is the best way to go about it in case you don’t already have a great partner in mind.

More Importance to Important Stuff

Most first marriages are laden with elaborate decoration and overwhelming provisions. In this humdrum, we may forget the real and important stuff of marriage and that is compatibility, love, emotion, promises, and so on. why re-marriages are successful? It is not an overload of flowers but these real things that form the very foundation of a strong marriage. This time you are going to look for all these real things! If you cannot do it all by yourself then remarriage matrimony in Delhi is your best way out! Do you know one?

Experienced and Wiser

At this point in life, you have gathered enough experience and have developed a mature outlook on life. No matter what your age is, you are mind is in a better place now. It can tell what it wants and what is best for it. Your heart too now has known the pain of a broken marriage and has become wiser. With this combination of mind and heart, you sure will find the right partner for your re-marriage. What are your opinions about Re-marriage?

Don’t Say a ‘NO’ to Life

Life is beautiful and it is probably knocking again at your door. All you have to do is take the courage to open it and see what’s there for you. You are a strong person and you have got this! And it is all going to be okay.

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The best part is you are not alone. You have your family and to help you out in a search for a suitable partner there are a number of genuine remarriage matrimony in Delhi. One such is Wedgate Matrimony. Go ahead and get in touch with one such bureau and give your happiness a second chance.

Must Read: 4 Reasons Why Second Marriages are More Successful

4 Reasons Why Second Marriages are More Successful

If things did not work out for you the first time, there is a chance that you might get lucky a second time. With several public figures serving as an inspiration, why should you be left behind? Thanks to second marriage brokers, finding a suitable groom on online marriage bureaus is not difficult. However, if you are still unsure about this, the successful real-life examples can instill your belief in the institution of marriage.

There are Several Reasons why Second Marriages are Bound to Succeed:

1. Compared to the first time you got hitched, the second time, you are wiser and smarter. You are not likely to make the same blunders again. While you were worried about making everything picture perfect during the first wedding, that is no longer the case the second time around. Your concerns are no longer the perfect dress, ideal flower arrangement, and lavish meals with lots of dance and drama. This time around, you are more focused on yourself and your partner.

2. You no longer have the need to impress your family, friends, and relatives. This time, it is about you and your partner. You can do things the way you want to without worrying about what others might think of. Since societal pressure is off the table, you are less likely to give in to crazy demands and regret later. Many times, these regrets and unnecessary demands are the cause of misunderstandings.

3. While going through a divorce is usually messy, it does not mean that you cannot have a chance at happiness. With time people grow, mature, and their preferences change. As a result, they are more forgiving and likely to try and adjust with someone who understands them. When you take a plunge the second time around, you will likely do it for the company and its compatibility.

4. With age and maturity, you are less likely to make the same mistakes again. In addition, since you are more emotionally secure than the first time, you are likely to recognize the signs and deal with them. While it is not easy adjusting and accepting a whole new family, given the time, you are going to end up building your own relationship with the stepfamily too.

People are wiser when it comes to settling down. If you are looking for a second chance at happiness, Wedgate Matrimony is one of the best second marriage brokers that can help you find your dream partner.

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To Be Or Not To Be – Married?

Marriage is a huge commitment. While it seems easy, it is not exactly a bed of roses. Once the honeymoon period is over, you are no longer partying every night or whispering sweet nothings in each others’ ears. Instead, your life becomes a series of compromises, adjusting with the other person whom you may or may not know. Despite the number of happily married cases, an almost equal number of unhappy ones with long tales of sacrifices exist. So, the big question here is, should you get married or not? Here is a look at what you get and what you end up losing when you get married…

Pros of Getting Married

Pros of Getting Married

1. You get a chance to find your partner in crime, a companion for life with whom you can share your life’s lows and highs. It is great to have friends, but eventually, everyone grows and moves apart. Having a good life partner ensures that you have a friend for life to share your happy and sad moments with.

2. Having a partner ensures that you are never alone, even during the darkest of times. This instills a sense of security that protects and carries you even through the darkest of times. It also brings stability to your lives

3. Marriage is one of the checkboxes that need to be ticked by society’s standards. Once you are married, beginning a family is easier compared to when you are single.

4. When you get married, you can reduce your expenses as you end up sharing rent and bills. This will increase the savings that can be used in ways beneficial to both of you.

Cons of Getting Married

Cons of Getting Married

1. With the right partner, you can prosper tremendously. However, if you two are not compatible, marriage can be a complete disaster with regular disagreements. Unless your personalities match and complement each other, getting married would be bad.

2. If you are someone who loves independence, being tied down to one place, person, or relationship is not on your agenda. Then, getting married can cause a serious change in your personality.

3. More often than not, marriage involves adjustment, which can lead to a loss of individuality. This can bring unhappiness to your life.

If you have decided to get married, a good marriage bureau can help you find a suitable match. Once you have decided to marry and are looking for a leading matrimonial agency in Delhi, then Wedgate Matrimony is one of the best options. With several successfully conducted weddings, they are the first choice for matrimonial services in Delhi.

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Should You Marry Late or Stay Single?

In the Indian subcontinent, marriage is an essential part of life. However, the social stigma and pressure force a boy or girl who has reached marriageable age to get them hitched as soon as possible. Generally, the correct age for marriage is between mid-twenties and early thirties. However, this might not be the case with everyone. There can be several reasons for not getting married at the “right age.” These include health issues, education, settling down in one’s career, family responsibilities, or even heartbreak! Finally, by the time one is ready to take the plunge, one would have crossed the ideal age of marriage, and it might be too late to find the right life partner.

One of the major confusions that people can have if they haven’t married till their mid-30s is whether to marry late or stay single. There are pros and cons to each. Let’s check what sounds familiar to you…

Usually, if you decide to get married at a late age, you are required to compromise on the choice of your soulmates. It might be in terms of looks, education, family background, marital history, or job prospects. Another issue with marrying late is that you are so accustomed to leading your life your way that making compromises for extended family is not easy. Therefore, finding a suitable match for a successful, independent, and middle-aged person becomes difficult. However, the late marriage bureau in Delhi can help you find a suitable match as per your preferences.

Another option available for people who haven’t got hitched till their mid-30s is to remain happily unmarried. You have led your life till this age on your terms, and that is the way you can continue to do so. With many people choosing to happily remain single and enjoy life with their friends, staying single is no longer considered taboo. Thanks to the growing acceptance of singlehood and increasing instances of divorce, many boys and girls choose to remain single.

If you have decided to get married, late marriage sites can help you find your soulmate even if it’s too late by society’s standards. Wedgate Matrimony is one of the leading matrimonial agents in Delhi. They have been successful in finding soulmates for lakhs of people, irrespective of the caste. With a vast database of prospective brides and grooms, it is not difficult to find one’s soulmate, even if you are marrying late!

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