Mission of Marriage – 3 Crucial Aspects for Husband

Since marriages nowadays need a mission, men also require a mission. A man today doesn’t get a certain mission from God. The original pattern of God of creating a man, providing him a mission, and granting him a wife as spouse and helper describe the lasting design of God for marriage. Some men remain unmarried and get that assistance from their fellow laborers and friends instead of a wife. Most men follow God’s creation rule with the help that comes from their wives.

Dream, draw, and do are three-part frameworks that husbands should work upon to live with their wives as treasured women and dear helpers.

1.  Dream


The leadership of a husband usually starts with a dream. He looks upon his home, kids, family, and many other things. A wife will perform her fair share of dreaming. A husband will value her dreams. He must understand his special responsibility of further taking the family, instead of waiting for his wife.

2.  Draw


With humility, patience, wisdom, and tenderness, a man must draw his wife in and out. He must welcome her into his dreaming by getting her impressions, asking for feedback, and listening to her counsel. In drawing her out, a husband imagines how their mission as one can make the best use of her abilities.

3.  Do


When a husband dreamed for his family and draws his wife in and out, he must act. He must take the initiative towards the uncultivated edge of the garden. For example, get the kids for family devotions, organize a block party for neighbors, etc.

Wedgate Matrimony, the well-known marriage bureau will help you in finding a compatible life partner and have a happier marriage life. You can find and meet a person from numerous profiles.

Must Read: What We Can Learn from the Best Marriages?

How to Approach a Partner on the Matrimonial Sites?

Matrimonial websites have gained increased popularity in the last few years. While you may hear that a matrimonial site helps you select the correct partner with a click, it is not as simple as it seems. You need to pay attention to some fake profiles on these sites. In this guide, we will help you learn what you need to do to find a would-be spouse from a matrimonial website.

Select the Right Website

Select the Right Website
So many matchmaking websites are available on the internet with a good reputation. But, it doesn’t mean you can pick any of them randomly. First, check the reviews, services, and packages to ensure that website is credible enough. Read their success stories and carefully go through their terms and policies.

Be Aware of Fake profiles

aware of fake profiles
Even though reliable matchmaking sites verify the profile carefully before including them in their database, it’s good to be safe on your end as well. Check if the profile picture is highly edited and the candidate’s details are over-appealing. If it is so, that applicant might be lying to you.

Understand Your Desires

Understand Your Desires

Be serious if you are finding a future spouse. Figure out what qualities you wish to have in your partner and then filter the matches accordingly. Check the Social Profiles you like to understand their background.

Don’t Share Everything Quickly

Do not Share Everything Quickly

If you find someone who is just like you and share all the qualities you would like to have in your life partner, don’t be fast in sharing about yourself. Keep your personal and financial details to yourself.

Wedgate Matrimony opens the world of matrimonial services and myriads of profiles of brides and grooms to go through. Put in the time to find, connect, and meet the interested person before making a decision.

Related: What Should you do When Your Conversation Becomes Boring in Marriage?

3×3 Rules in Marriage, Is it Works or Not?

Married life gets changed after having kids. The time couples used to spend together is now sacrificed for daycare trips, potty training, feeding babies, and other things. Showing carelessness can overwhelm you and bring your happy wedding relationship into an endless downhill fall. This is where you can work on the 3×3 rule of marriage. Don’t know what it is and how it can help? Let’s learn about it here.

What is a 3×3 Rule?

This is a way couples can use to purposely plan their time together as alone and as a couple. According to this rule, you and your spouse take out three hours from your life to spend quality time alone with one another and rest 3 hours to enjoy entirely by yourself. You can use this time all in a single day or divide it and distribute it throughout the week as per your preference.
The biggest advantage of using this complete arrangement is that this time is completely non-negotiable. This means, no matter how much you are busy taking care of your kids or other things, you will get some way to enjoy this time together.

Benefits of 3×3 Rule

Benefits of 3x3 Rule
This rule has a strict structure that creates predictability, efficiency, and peace of mind. It provides the essential balance to life. Moreover, it eases relational tension by avoiding arguments and common discontent. It will make your time together highly meaningful and provide quality time with children. This will eventually help you in becoming a better partner and a parent.
Unmarried people can prevent the need to work on this rule by finding a compatible would-be partner through a matrimonial site. Wedgate Matrimony provides the ultimate platform to look for the right partner and get many more services.

Don’t Miss:- 5 Red Flags in a Marriage, Signs you Shouldn’t Neglect


Things To Avoid Before The Wedding

Every would-be couple, especially brides love to look fit in their wedding outfits with flawless appearance and personality. In order to make that dream come true, certain things must be avoided some weeks or months before the wedding day. So, let’s take a tour of the list of don’ts for the would-be bride.

1. Food Items to Avoid

Food Items to Avoid
Before your wedding day, there are some food items you should avoid. Avoid excess intake of salt as it can cause water retention in your body. This eventually leads to swelling or bloating that makes you appear heavier. Dairy products such as cheese or yogurt can bloat up your belly and cause indigestion. Also, avoid sweets and fried food, carbonated drinks, caffeine intake, and spicy food.

2. Haircuts and Hair Color

Haircuts and Hair ColorKeep the hairstyle the same without trying any drastic haircut or new hair color. It will change the style and texture of your hair. Note that your hairstyle needs to go in coordination with your D-day dresses, makeup, and jewelry. To refresh your shade without affecting your look, ask a hair expert to apply a clear gloss on strands for extra shine and sheen.

3. New Workouts

New WorkoutsKeep going with your traditional workout without trying something new before you tie the knot. This is not the right time for new moves as pulled muscles can take about weeks to get recovered. If you need to burn out some fat, you can begin a new fitness program with a specialized expert.

If you are looking for a dietician, then you can approach Wedgate Matrimony, a leading marriage bureau that offers pre-wedding dietician services and other matrimonial services. Dieticians and nutritional experts will help you to stay in proper mental and physical shape on your special day.

Don’t Miss :- Can A Marriage Survive Without Love?

Does Same Blood Group Affect Marriage?

When it comes to finding a compatible life partner to get married to, it’s recommended to select one sharing the same interest, values, and cultural compatibility. However, some people also suggest marrying a person after testing their blood group. According to medical health experts, the compatibility of the couple’s blood group is a serious issue for pregnancy when both parents are biological. It helps in determining the health of your future children. Rh-negative blood group can affect your pregnancy.

Does Same Blood Group Affect Marriage

What If Couples Have the Same Blood Group?

Well, there is no problem in marrying a spouse having the same blood group. In this universe, every person is born with a specific blood group – Rh positive or Rh negative. Rh negative is quite rare compared to Rh positive. When you’re considering the blood group of a person whom you marry, you must be concerned about the Rh factor rather than a letter. For example, A+, A-, etc. A female partner is at risk if she has a negative Rh factor and her would-be spouse has Rh positive factor.

This combination can result in the birth of a kid having an Rh-positive blood group. Sometimes, the blood from the baby enters the system of a mother. This eventually makes a mother form antibodies against the Rh factor. Due to this, an Rh-positive baby is treated like an intruder inside the mother’s body. If that would be the case a mother is considered sensitized and will create antibodies to attach to Rh positive blood of a child.


Check Personality Compatibility with Blood Type

In Japan, blood groups are considered a vital indicator of an individual’s personality. A blood type people are well-organized, however, type B people are considered selfish. Similarly, type O blood people are optimistic and AB blood type are eccentric. Based on these qualities, you can determine whether your marriage will be happier and more successful.


Final Thoughts

If you and your would-be life partner both have the same or different blood type but a similar Rh factor, you both will have the same Rh factor. Hence, there is no problem in marrying a person featuring the same blood group. So, it’s time to start your search for your dream partner with a reliable marriage bureau. Wedgate Matrimony emerges as the recommended bureau for those seeking a platform for customized matrimonial services and packages.

Must Read: Does Blood Group Matter In Marriage?

Does Blood Group Matter In Marriage?

Blood plays a crucial role not just in the human body but in married life as well. Many people wonder whether a blood group type affects marriage compatibility. Well, it doesn’t have any effect on the ability to have and successfully keep a happier and healthier wedding relationship. However, considering the blood group is essential when you are planning to have biological kids.


Different Blood Types

Different Blood Types

Mainly, there are four blood categories – A, B, AB, and O. These blood groups are further divided into positive and negative groups. So, in total, there are eight common blood types and these are as follows –

1. A+
2. A-
3. B+
4. B-
5. AB+
6. AB-
7. O+
8. O-

The blood type is predetermined at the birth time. It can’t be changed later in the whole life. The blood groups differ based on the absence or presence of antigens that stimulate the immune response. A protein, known as the Rh factor, makes the blood group either present (+) or absent (-).


Does Determining Blood Type is Mandatory?

Pre-determining the blood type of your would-be partner also helps in the event of an emergency. If you know the blood group of you and your partner, you can easily and quickly donate blood in an emergency. Also, blood compatibility matters if planning a pregnancy. Compatibility is important in planning pregnancy as it has an RH factor. Being RH negative or positive doesn’t affect your relationship and health, but it creates an impact on pregnancy.


Impact of Blood Type on Pregnancy

Impact of Blood Type on Pregnancy

RH factor creates an impact on pregnancy. If a mother is RH- and a baby is RH+, blood cells from the baby are crossing RH- mother’s bloodstream, which eventually triggers an immune response. The body of the mother might form antibodies to fight against the RH+ red blood cells of a baby. In case, there is a potential for RH incompatibility, the pregnancy will be checked and monitored regularly and attentively to prevent any associated complications.



If you’re in a search of the most compatible life partner, then register a profile at a reputed matrimonial site Wedgate Matrimony. Don’t forget to consider the blood group of the person you’re selecting. The reason is that blood type shows the personality of an individual. People with A-blood type are well-organized, type B is selfish, type C is optimistic, while type AB people are eccentric.

Must Read: Does A Big Age Difference Matter In Marriage?

Christian Wedding Customs & Rituals to Know Before Attending a Christian Wedding

Compared to Hindu wedding rituals Christian marriages are short. When it comes to a Christian wedding, we mostly think about frothy white dresses and a bunch of flowers. But, there are so many things that revolve around Christian marriage. Interested in learning what are these? Keep on reading this post.

7 Customs & Rituals of Christian Wedding:


1. Matchmaking

Just like Indian arranged marriage, a Christian wedding also consists of matchmaking rituals. As per this ritual, the Christian family search for a compatible match for their son or daughter. Matrimonial services ease this process by providing thousands of profiles as per the user’s requirements.

2. Engagement

This is a pre-wedding ritual in which the parents of the bride and groom host a party to announce the marriage. It is also declared in the respective churches in front of family and friends.

3. Bridal Shower

Bridal Shower
This pre-wedding ritual is organized for a bride. It is attended by all the female guests. The guests shower gifts and motivation to a bride to help and bless her for her happy married life. A bride cuts the pink cake featuring a hidden thimble. It is traditionally believed that a girl who gets the slice of cake with that thimble is believed to be the next to marry.

4. Bachelorette Party

Bachelorette Party
This is similar to the bridal shower but it is arranged for the would-be groom by his male cousins and friends. This is a western concept celebrated for the groom to enjoy his last day as a bachelor.

5. The Roce Ceremony

The Roce Ceremony
This ceremony takes place in Indian Christian communities. The bride and the groom take a ritualistic bath in their homes. Turmeric paste is applied to the bride and groom in North Indian Christians community. Coconut paste is applied among South Indian Christians.

6. Bridal Entrance

Bridal Entrance
On the wedding day, a bride enters the venue in a car sent by the groom. She is received at the church by the groom family’s best man and is escorted into the church by the best man of the groom’s family.

7. Exchange of Vows

Exchange of Vows
The priest utters the Opening remarks. The bride and groom then utter the vows of marriage. If you’re looking for the best bride and groom in the Christian community, then Wedgate Matrimony will ease this process. You can find interesting matches based on social status, physical features, location, and more parameters.

Don’t Miss: Classic Bengali Wedding Rituals To Know Before Attending a Bengali Wedding

Top 5 High-Class Marriage Bureaus for Elite Matchmaking in India

The marriage decision should not be taken lightly as it makes an overall effect on various aspects of life, affecting an individual’s life, family, and friend circle. Your life partner would be an individual with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life. From ups and downs to joys and sorrows, you’ve to share everything with that person. Therefore, it is important to look for the right person. To ease the process of marriage decision-making, a number of marriage bureaus are making their presence in India.

What is a Marriage Bureau?

Marriage Bureau is an agency that helps people to search for a suitable life partner by working as a bicholia (marriage broker). The desired candidates have to register their profiles by filling up a detailed form. The reliable matchmaking bureau considers a client’s search criteria to help them find the best options accordingly.

Top 5 High-Class Online Matchmaking Agencies

Since a number of Elite Matchmaking in India have come up as a good option to help in your search for your soulmate, it becomes difficult to decide which one you should trust. Here, we have enlisted India’s top 5 elite marriage bureaus in India that are providing great matchmaker services online/offline for many years with the complete satisfaction of their clients.

1. Wedgate Matrimony

Wedgate Matrimony

With a team of in-house relationship managers and marriage counselors, Wedgate Matrimony has transformed many lives by helping people find their dream companions. They have famous specialists with them who have pioneered in deeply understanding human behavior, psychology, and remedial measures. The specialized team helps them in achieving fast and more desirable results.

Whether you’re looking for second marriage, NRI Groom, elite matrimony, or late marriage, Wedgate Matrimony services has everything to serve you. They have designed various customized packages to suit every client’s preference. Even their management team has been associated with well-known service companies. Some of them include COX & Kings, Samsung, Nokia, etc.

Address: I-7, FIRST FLOOR, Metro Pillar No. 333, Najafgarh Road Near Moti Nagar Metro Station, above Babyhug Store, Kailash Park, New Delhi, Delhi 110015

Contact Number: 011 4709 4491

Website: www.wedgatematrimony.com

2. Priya Shah The Match Maker

priyas hah the match maker

Serving candidates since 1991, Priya Shah The Match Maker is a leading matchmaking service in India and abroad. This is a perfect international marriage bureau for professionals, ultra-rich families, famous business class groups, Hindus, and other Indian families. For offering outstanding services in the field of matrimony, this reputed company has been honored with Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi Award and Mother Teresa Excellence Award in 2013.

Address: Mumbai, opp. amitabh bachchan, Juhu, new banglow400049

Contact Number: 80802 10410

Website: www.priyashahthematchmaker.com

3. Elite Matrimony 

elite matrimony

Powered by Matrimony.com, Elite Matrimony is the leader in online Matchmaking serving over 10,000 elite customers in the country. They have dedicated relationship managers from clients’ regions who better understand their cultural nuances to provide personalized services. With more than 14 years of expertise in pioneering elite matrimonial services, they have created a huge database of a large number of truly elite profiles.  While finding your soul mate, you don’t need to worry about privacy as they offer discreet and confidential services.

Contact Number: 709 206 6066

Website: www.elitematrimony.com

4. Aarshi’s Matrimonial Solutions

Aarshi Matrimonial

Aarshi’s Matrimonial Solutions was founded by Aarshi Jain who has more than 2 decades of experience in this industry. This company enjoys a unique reputation and follows the traditional way of matchmaking where culture art and lineage are given more importance.

The experts’ team helps their clients with marriage counseling and guidance to ease the decision-making process. They dig deep into the science behind human psychology to find the reasons for long-lasting relationships in previous times. Aarshi’s Matrimonial Solutions use performance-driven infrastructure, modern software, defined processes, and MIS reports to check reports and performances.

Address: M-78, 1st Floor M Block Market, Greater Kailash II, Greater Kailash, New Delhi, Delhi 110048

Contact Number: 9711880219

Website: www.aarshimatrimonialsolutions.com

5. Ultra Rich Match

Ultra Rich Match

A Division of Ultra Rich Weddings Pvt. Ltd., Ultra Rich Match is a premium brand in the Millionaire match-making industry. They serve the match-making needs of the Ultra-Rich People. A well-streamlined process is used to maintain the highest confidentiality and exclusivity. The client’s details are verified after taking their appointment and personally visiting their residence and workplace for detailed verification.

Address: Siddhi Vinayak Business Towers, Tower C, 222, Behind DCP Office, Off S.G. Highway, Makarba, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380051

Contact Number: 79 2970 1014

Website: www.ultrarichmatch.com

Why Wedgate Matrimony is the Best among All?

Decades of experience, an extensive database from all castes and communities, and a team of experienced professionals under one roof have made Wedgate Matrimony stand out from the crowd. To get the most out of every step and improve services, they regularly organize service training sessions for their staff and team members and design precise procedures.

A range of customized packages such as Wedgate Gold, Diamond, NRI, Elite, Second Marriage/Remarriage, and Exclusive are designed to suit every client’s preference and budget needs. Confidentiality, responsibility, trust, and honest feedback form the foundation of their work ethos.

The extensive team network, human efforts, and the use of advanced technology have made Wedgate Matrimony put together various result-oriented processes. Every day the team has been serving more than 600 walk-in customers. And the best of all services is the arrangement of wedding events. The team helps clients successfully organize and manage various arrangements for pre and post-wedding ceremonies.

Don’t Miss: Things to Consider Before Meeting Someone on a Matrimonial Site

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10 Proven Tips to Help you Prosper in Your First Year of Wedding

When you marry someone, be it arranged or in love, the first year is very crucial. It decides the kind of life you spend ahead with that family and the kind of relations you build with them. It is based on your first year of marriage, that people judge you throughout your life. Every person wants to make that perfect and the best. Certain tips that would help you thrive through your first year of marriage are:

Tips to Help you Thrive in Your First Year of Marriage

1) Consider them your family – the most important thing is to consider your in-laws as your family and not outsiders. When you start doing that, things automatically start falling into place.

2) Listen more and argue less – you are new to that house and its rules. Start listening to what people tell you instead of arguing about doing things your way. This will not just make your family happy but your husband will also be happy with the fact that you are respecting his parents.

3) Do things their way – your way might differ from their way of doing something. But try doing it their way. They have more experience.

4) Respect your husband’s family – there may be things where your husband’s family is wrong. But no matter the situation your husband would never like to hear anything negative about them. Respect them at all times, and only then will they care for you.

5) Don’t keep complaining to your husband – things that happen in the house should stay in the house. When your husband comes back home from work don’t keep complaining about things to him. It will tick him off.

6) Spend time with your husband whenever he is free – on off days of your husband, don’t spend your time in the kitchen or with others. Give time to him. Get to know him.

7) Start knowing his friends – as a normal person, no his friends and enjoy going out with them. Only then your husband would want to include you in his plans and not leave you out.

8) Communication is the key – talk to your husband about everything. Know things that are bothering him.

9) Spend time in bed – physical intimacy is important in a relationship. Especially in the first year, keep it on.

10) Keep doing small things for your husband – keep showing your love to your husband over small things. Men love that.

Naturally, you will find your husband taking some steps towards you to maintain good relations as well. Keep them up, and things will be perfect for the two of you. Also, keep following our blogs to know more about marriage.

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