How to be Prepared to Find the NRI Partner for Your Children?

Every parent will share a dream of getting their sons/daughters married to a prospective alliance who lives and works overseas. The lifestyle attracts not just the young but the old too – hence the eagerness to bless their children with a good living through the ceremony of marriage. However getting a prospective alliance from overseas is not as easy as it may sound. Several NRI matrimonial services providers are there in the country, but the real question is about whom to trust! If you are in Delhi NCR, then Wedgate Matrimony can be chosen as the marriage bureau. We work on NRI matrimony profiles and have a good history of successful marriages arranged.

wedding, ring, couple

Here are some key points parents can note when looking for an NRI partner for their children.

1. It will be good to see or understand if the parents of the NRI matrimony prospect live in India and preferably within the boundaries of your state/city. This helps you to know them through in-person meetings and get to know the background of the families.

2. Don’t just rely on telephonic conversations but rather meet up with the person (the boy or the girl) while they visit India. It is very important to see them in person before you can proceed to fix the matrimony for them.

3. Understand the long-term goals of the NRI person and his family – if they have plans to settle down there permanently or come back to India anytime soon. This will help you and your children to plan how the marital life will be if you want to pursue moving ahead with the matrimony

4. Involve families and friends when planning to fix such a matrimonial alliance, especially if they are NRIs so that they can support you in this planning and communication. Keeping secrecy could land parents in trouble especially if the NRI profiles are a hoax.

5. In the world of technology, it is advisable to look through social media to verify the identity and gather information about the person involved. It gives clarity to the job status, lifestyle, and interests of the person.

6. In cases of several meetings that progress between your family and the NRIs, it is ok to ask for documents to verify the validity of their NRI status. These documents can also help you to register the marriage once you wish to proceed with the matrimony.

Don’t Miss: What is the Importance of NRI Matrimonial Services?

Re-Marriages: Is it a Welcome Sign or a Taboo in India?

India is the birthplace of a lot of customs and beliefs. Marriage in our culture is seen to be a bond that unifies two individuals, their families, and their traditions. Breaking such a divine bond is still considered taboo in many areas of the country. Small towns and villages call it detrimental to the progress of their community and society. Yet, major cities such as Delhi have come to accept the fact that divorces are not harmful and try to understand the real reason behind the divorce for the benefit of the people involved.

As individuals living their current life, all of us must live it in happiness and harmony. Discords and misinterpreted happenings may have led to the separation of married people in their past. This doesn’t entitle them to remain alone and sober all through their life – they are still living, and they need to live it happily. Re-marriages have emerged to be a welcome sign in major cities and families do accept the need for separated people to remarry to find their happiness.

wedding, women, bride

A matrimonial site such as Wedgate Matrimony, the best remarriage matrimony in Delhi, offers a lot of support & helps divorced/ widowed individuals find a good partner when they decide to remarry.
Re-marriages are welcomed by small towns or villages for widowed individuals.

The social beliefs among them permit re-marriages for the benefit of children who have lost one parent and are expecting support. The widowed individual is encouraged to remarry so that he or she can share the responsibility of bringing up the children and not solely carry the burden of the family in this regard. However, they don’t mete out similar empathy when a divorced person wants to remarry.

bride, groom, hand, wedding

Larger cities are quite liberal, and we have been witnessing that most of the re-marriages are encouraged. It is welcomed that individuals can leave the past behind, whether it was a distasteful marriage leading to a divorce or the death of the spouse. Such individuals are encouraged by friends and family to step ahead and prepare for a happy life. Also, in this process, previously married people, who now seek partners in re-marriage, are careful and wise.

They assess the pros and cons quite efficiently and make wise decisions. The history of being hurt due to the occurrences in the earlier marriage prepares the people to be emotionally strong and stable. Nobody wants to get hurt twice, do they?

It is a welcome sign in today’s Indian society for re-marriages!

Must Read: Why Is Remarriage Considered Taboo In Indian Society?

8 Questions to Ask Your Mate Before Wedding

When you know you are ready to be married, it is important to understand if you know how ready you and your partner are. Is it confusing? Let’s clarify this in detail. Whether you have been in love & known your partner or if this marriage is going to be arranged by family, friends with the help of a marriage bureau, there are a few questions you should consider asking yourselves. The answers to them will help assess how prepared and clear you are as partners.

Questions to Ask Before Marriage

8 Inescapable Questions to Ask Before You Get Married:-

1. Where would we be living after our marriage? Do we have any specific preference in choosing where our place of living needs to be – whether closer to work, closer to parents, etc?

2. Do we have differences in customs and religious beliefs? How are we going to handle these differences, if they exist? Would we be able to adjust and be flexible in practicing our individual beliefs?

3. Do we have loans or financial needs that matter a lot to us? Are we comfortable handling this after being married? Do we need each other’s support in alleviating such financial burdens?

4. How important is our career to us? How supportive we would be to one another if there is a brief time of joblessness or sickness for one of the partners?

5. How are planning to fulfill our obligations towards our family members? Do we plan to support them financially at a regular frequency? Have we planned for medical emergencies if any during the old age of parents?

6. How prepared are we to start a family? Are we equipped to handle the responsibilities of a newborn child sooner in our lives? If we need to postpone childbirth – how long this can be?

7. What is our emotional quotient in handling disagreements? How do we plan to treat the situations that will arise due to differences in our individual opinions? How can we resolve arguments or fights between us?

8. How are we going to split and balance work with domestic chores? Can we adhere to the plan of splitting daily activities so that it is easier for both of us?

The questions may seem frivolous nevertheless very important for every couple to discuss them well. It certainly brings a lot of confidence in the hearts of the couples who are preparing themselves for a harmonious life.

Your search for a good matrimonial bureau in Delhi, which can assist with searching for a partner with whom you can comfortably discuss these, ends with Wedgate Matrimony. Make use of their experience to look for the right person, discuss your questions, and be assured of a good life ahead.

Must Read: How to Start a Conversation with a Girl in Arranged Marriage Meeting?

Top 5 Expectations of Indian Girls From Marriage

In India, when a girl wishes to get married, the first stop point for her parent and her extended family is the marriage bureau. Several matrimonial sites are functioning in the prime cities of the country offering a wide range of consultations for fixing up an arranged marriage in the Indian household. But for them to function and find the prospective bridegroom for the Indian girl, they need to understand what these to-be brides expect out of their marriages.

wedding, bride, lehnga, marriage

Here’s Assessing Some of the Key Expectations of Indian Girls:–

1. With a Stable Job & Good Salary

Financial stability is the foremost aspect that Indian girls today are mostly looking forward to in their partner. A man who has a good job, offering good pay that would ensure comfortable living as well as provide financial security, is a prospective bridegroom. The girls see it as a way of being able to provide for the family including the children of their future.

2. To Let be Independent and Career-Oriented

Indian girls today have advanced in every field and are making strides. When it is the time to be married, their expectation is that they remain unaffected in terms of their career priorities. They expect that a marriage shouldn’t stall them from the progress they are making and is expecting independent decisions to be made when it comes to their career.

3. Sharing Household Chores

We have career-driven women in society today and many of them work long hours too! Indian girls of today are equally busy at their jobs and hence find it normal that the men at home share the responsibility towards household chores. Partaking in domestic cleaning, cooking, and tending to home needs, Indian girls expect the men to share the workload at home.

4. Non-Patriarchal

Indian girls today want their partners to grow away from the traditional patriarchal society that they were brought up in. Mutual respect for each other’s parents, an open attitude towards children without gender bias, and planning families considering the wishes of the wife are being sought by the Indian girls of today.

5. Good Looking / Smart

Though not the topmost expectation from Indian girls of today, good looks and smart men are still factors that will alter decisions in prospective alliances. “Good looks are important too – they make both the husband & the wife confident” – say some of the girls of today, who would love to gladly walk hand-in-hand with handsome husbands.

Wedgate Matrimony is a marriage bureau in Delhi that has good experience in finding suitable alliances for men and women! Approach them with your expectations and they are sure to help you find the right person.

Don’t Miss: Is Marriage Really Essential to Live Happily?

Is Marriage Really Essential to Live Happily?

The responses to this question can be different when asked to different generations of people in your family. If you ask a youngster, who is living his life, will say ‘No’ and when asked a man/ woman who has experienced decades of marital life, will say ‘Yes’. Despite their different answers at different stages in their lives, the human race now accepts the fact that being married adds to your happiness and long life.

Married couples go beyond their vision of being successful in careers, being reputable in society to being responsible parents to the future generation. They come through the lineage of family beliefs that has established marriage as an institution and it to be a means to procreate. Marriage creates a nuclear society where we bring forth children who will be part of the larger society and will work towards the growth of society & country.

couple holding hands

Do marriage and happiness solely lie in birthing the children? No. Marriage identifies you to be someone who can love, respect, and mutually share your space with another person of a similar nature. An individual’s focus grows beyond his own selfish needs to the needs of his/ her partner – to talk and do similar activities, to laugh at humor that amuses both, to respect each other’s ambitions, and to love each other despite any differences. These aspects of living a life in harmony, and at times resolving conflicts, make you a better individual and sharpen your ability as a responsible individual. In turn, it also contributes to the overall success and happiness of the person

Beyond managing your life, marital life brings discipline to the lives of people. It improves behavior, it helps individuals to follow methods and standardized ways of living, to eat well, and live a better lifestyle. This is an ongoing process and as nuclear units of the society; all families of happy marriages evolve socially and economically. Several cities today boast of improved living when families come together and form townships & communities with schools, healthcare facilities, and economic establishments – if not for marriages, such growth in urban areas is not possible.

Looking to settle down for a happy life that will improve your way of living? Approach Wedgate Matrimony, a marriage bureau in Delhi that has been very successful in finding the right partners for individuals. Their consistent contribution towards the people of Delhi, in providing matrimonial services is well acknowledged.

Don’t Miss: Can People in Arranged Marriages Really Fall in Love?

5 Major Changes for a Female after Marriage

There are a lot of things that change for a girl once she is married. One of the biggest changes that she faces is becoming a woman from a girl. But apart from the small ones, there are some major changes that she has to go through.

5 Major Changes for a Female after Marriage

Some of Them Include:

1) Surname – all her life her father’s surname knows a girl. Once she is married she removes that Surname from her name and adds that of her husband. She is not given a choice whether she wants to keep her paternal name. It is a thing understood that she has to go through this change.

2) Routine – A girl has a set routine in her house. There are things she does in a certain way. There are things she might not want to do at a certain time. Once married, a girl has to completely change her routine and adjust to that of her in-laws.

3) Freedom – In her father’s house, a girl can do things her way. There is no one questioning her for anything she does. Once married, for everything she does or wants to do, she has to get permission from her husband or her in-laws.

4) Adjustments – Her husband might want to do things in a certain way. She might not like that. There may be things that she wants to do. But she might not be able to anymore. There are a lot of it just means she has to make once she is married. Just because she would do things a certain way earlier, she cannot continue doing the same.

5) Family – A girl has left her family all through her life. Once she is married, she suddenly has a new family. There are a lot of people she does not know, and a lot of people she is not comfortable with yet. There are a lot of talks she does not understand. But still, she has to try and adjust and blend into the new family as well.

All that said, even though our female’s life changes a lot when she is married, it does become very beautiful too. From Miss, she becomes a Mrs. There is someone who loves her more than the entire world. There is someone for her all the time. Not all changes are bad, some are good too.

Wedgate Matrimony

Wedgate Matrimony, the best matrimonial agency in Delhi, excels in uniting hearts with its exceptional matchmaking services. Renowned for its personalized approach and vast database, it ensures perfect matches tailored to individual preferences. Trust Wedgate Matrimony for a seamless, confidential, and successful journey towards finding your ideal life partner in the bustling city of Delhi.

Don’t Miss: Is Looks Important in a Marriage?

Things that the Couple Should not Interfere in Before Marriage

When a couple plans to get married, it is not just them anymore. It is the union of two families together. After the official talks, there are certain things, that a couple should let their family handle. They should stay out of those discussions and decisions. This results in a better and happier pre-marriage phase for them. Certain things that a couple should stay out of include:

Things that the Couple Should not Interfere in Before Marriage

1) Monetary Decisions – The couple is done doing their part once they get the families to talk. It is, in the end, the families who spend on everything. So these decisions should lie completely with the families only. Interfering in monetary conversations is one such thing that creates a bad barrier in a relationship. Nobody likes it when their families spend a lot. So it tends to create a difference of opinion in a couple. To avoid it, it is better to stay out of such discussions.

2) Give and Take Talks – Indian marriages contain a lot of gives and takes. What is to be given to the groom’s family, what is to be given to the bride’s family, or what is to be taken from them, is a decision that elders should indulge in. Involving the couple does not do anything, but create a rift between them.

3) Arrangements – It is the most special day for the couple. The arrangements to be done for family and friends, and for the events to take place, should not include the couple. The couple should do nothing but enjoy themselves and let this time seep in. Unnecessary tiredness is not something they should sign up for.

4) The How of Every Discussion – How is this to be done? How is that to be done? How will this be managed? And all of that.

When we talk of marriage, there are a lot of hows that arise. The setup of those should be done by the families. The bride and groom should stay out of those discussions, as it will unnecessarily burden them.

All things said and done, marriage is the most beautiful and memorable phase for a couple. This is the time when a couple should not think of anything else but enjoying themselves and spending time with each other. Families are there to take all the stress and make things perfect. We should let them do things their way. Enjoying your marriage is important. It is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You don’t get to live it again.

Wedgate Matrimony, the best matrimonial bureau in Delhi, excels in personalized matchmaking. With a vast database and experienced matchmakers, they cater to diverse communities, ensuring compatible matches. Known for its professional and reliable services, Wedgate Matrimony helps individuals find their ideal life partners effortlessly.

Don’t Miss: 5 Major Changes for a Female after Marriage

Qualities to Look For in a Man Before Marriage

Marriage is a lifelong thing to maintain. At times you just fall in love with the person and you decide to marry them. Or your family selects a groom for you and you agree to marry without knowing him well. These things may lead to regret later. Even if you use any matrimonial services to look for a guy, make sure you get to know him well.

Here are Certain Qualities That you Should Look for in a Man Before you agree to a Marriage:

1) You are Attracted to him and Smile more than you Would Before

To make the marriage last, you both must be attracted to one another. If he is a person who makes you smile all the time, he is a keeper.

2) He is Sweet and Thoughtful

Men generally tend to be too practical. If the man thinks about your likes and dislikes and does accordingly, don’t let him go.

3) Supports your Career and is a Good Listener

Supports your Career and is a Good Listener

Not all men agree to let you continue what you want to do. Men are mostly too busy to listen to you. They might hear you when you say but don’t listen intently. If the man makes a point to support your career and is a good listener to whatever you say, remember, such a man is not easy to find.

4) Makes you Feel Relaxed and Comfortable

Makes you Feel Relaxed and Comfortable

Some people feel at home. You don’t need to pretend in front of them. You can be you. If a man does not judge you for how you stay and how you look, and you can be comfortable and relaxed around him, why let such a man go?

5) Is Good Around your Friends and Family

Is Good Around your Friends and Family

If you find a man in your life who respects your friends and family just like they do theirs, he is worth spending your life with. Only a man who knows family values will be able to do this.

6) Respect you and Take your Opinion

respects you and takes your opinion

You should have a say in things too. Be it from ordering in a restaurant, the place to go to, or even in the small things. When a man lets you do that it means he respects you for who you are and trusts your judgment. Don’t let him go from your life.

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Wedgate Matrimony, the best matrimonial agency in Delhi, offers personalized matchmaking services. With a vast database and expert matchmakers, they ensure compatible matches, catering to diverse communities and preferences. Trusted for its professional approach, Wedgate Matrimony helps individuals find their perfect life partners with ease and reliability.

Don’t miss: Things that the Couple Should not Interfere in Before Marriage

Is It Right to Leave a Job for Marriage – A Female’s Story

Marriage changes your life, and brings the start of a new chapter to your life; however, it never closes the old one. Be it a working woman or a housewife should be your decision, and not forced by anyone.

Is It Right to Leave a Job for Marriage

Think of These, Before you Plan to Quit Your Job just for Your Marriage:

1) Your Escape Route – There are certain points in life, where you wish you wouldn’t be stuck at home. Being a housewife, it is not always easy to step out. Working gives you a break from all the quarrels and arguments and helps maintain peace at home.

2) Financial Independence – Monetary flow helps you not ask your husband for financial help. You can do whatever you wish to. That nagging and arguments in a relationship are mostly about money. Being a working woman, you have your financial independence.

3) Family Respect and support – Sometimes managing two things simultaneously builds up your respect among the family. People have a notion of considering Housewives as useless and think they have nothing to do. Your life should be full of your choices. You need to build respect, to get respect.

4) The Pain of letting go of your Career – We decide on a certain profession, and study according to it, to fulfill our dreams. Just because someone is not happy with you doing that, rethink if you are making the right decision. Sometimes you may compromise on your career because your partner or family wishes to see you at home, but at the end of the day, somewhere or the other, you might keep blaming them for the same. If you think you cannot let go of it then think of another way to make things work.

5) Happy and satisfied you – Apart from other things, it is also important to do what your heart desires. If your job makes you happy, don’t even think about quitting it. The main cause of quarrels is an unhappy heart. Doing things for others, but not yourself might not always make you happy. And at the end of the day, if you aren’t happy, there is no happiness in your marriage.

Keeping all these in mind, also remember if your spouse or family doesn’t support you with your decision, either talk to them and clear their doubts or else fulfill the wishes of your heart.

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