Benefits of Marriage with a Businessman vs a Service Job Man

It is not just love that matters when you plan to marry someone. Apart from love, there are other factors too. What kind of a job the guy has played a very crucial role in deciding whether you want to settle down with him or not? He cannot feed you with just Love, he needs money too. Even as a parent, they need to see what is the work of the guy they are looking at.

Marriage with a Businessman vs a Service Job Man

A Girl Looks for a Businessman More Than a Guy with a Service Job:

1) Works of their Free Will – The husband is free to spend time with his wife whenever he wants to. There is no specification of a 9-5 job. If they plan to go out, they need not wait for the leave of the guy.

2) No Fixed Income – There is no fixed income that a man gets in his own business. Today he may earn a little less, but tomorrow, he may earn the double of that too. Expenses can be managed by income. The wife is free to even make some luxury expenses if she wants to. She knows, her husband will manage.

3) No End of the Month – In a business, there is no fixed month-end, after which the cash flow stops. The constraints of money at the end of the month are not something the wife will have to feel.

4) He is His Boss – A businessman is never irritated because his boss said something. He is free to make his own decisions and plan work according to his mood. There is no fixed work he needs to complete on a particular day, just because his boss said so.

Saying all that, there are lots of problems too. A businessman has no fixed time of work. He may continue working even till 11 at night, and may even go to work on a Sunday. The decision lies in your hand. You need to also see the kind of man he is. Only that will help you decide if you wish to be with him lifelong or not.

You will find more posts related to marriage in our blog section. If you plan to get married and have doubts in mind, don’t forget to contact the Wedgate Matrimony team at +91 95 99991950

Must Read: Why Does a Female Prefer a Serviceman to a Businessman to Get Married?

What are the Pros and Cons of an Indian Girl Marrying an NRI?

The trend of Indian parents wanting to get their daughter married to a foreign settled guy is growing as time goes by. For parents, it is for the betterment of the daughter. They feel an NRI guy will earn more and will give the daughter a better life. However, that is not always the case. We also find in most cases that girls have to suffer and have no life left at all in such a situation. All matrimonial sites talk about an Indian girl marrying a foreign guy, and they show a perfect picture. But let us get to read what is true. There are certain pros and certain cons of an Indian girl marrying a foreign-settled guy.

What are the Pros and Cons of an Indian Girl Marrying an NRI?

5 Pros and Cons of an Indian Girl Marrying an NRI

1) False Information – In India, we have relatives and friends everywhere, and it is easy to get to know about a guy or his family. However, when it comes to a foreign settled guy at times the information they give about themselves can be false, and there is no checking it too.

2) Husband leaves his wife in India – After many promises and after the marriage, the husband does not take his wife abroad. He leaves her in India to take care of his parents. At this point, there is nothing a girl’s family can do.

3) A Better lifestyle – The lifestyle abroad is a lot better than the one here. A girl who is married to a foreign settled guy, after marriage when she goes there, her lifestyle and standard of living improves by a lot.

4) Better Future – Since they pay abroad is more than that in India the chance of having a better future is higher. Men become more settled after a certain time and even the women get to do small jobs.

5) No Domestic Help – Every household in India has domestic help for something or the other. Out there, are no domestic help available for anything. Everything needs to be done by the couple themselves, which can get difficult to get used to after some time.

At the end of the day, it is the destiny and choice of the couple to who they want to get married. It also happens that after a marriage the guy is placed outside. So situations might arise even then. What is more important is making sure that the person you are getting your daughter married to is correct. Getting all things checked off the family and of the guy before an arranged marriage especially with an NRI is very crucial.

Wedgate Matrimony

Wedgate Matrimony, renowned as the best NRI marriage bureau in Delhi, excels in connecting Indian singles with NRIs. Offering personalized matchmaking services, they ensure compatible matches based on cultural, educational, and lifestyle preferences, making them a trusted choice for families seeking a global alliance.

Don’t miss: Why Does a Female Prefer a Serviceman to a Businessman to Get Married?

5 Problems Faced by a Short Girl While Looking for a Life Partner

Every mother wants a perfect girl for her son. Someone slim, tall, and looks pretty is what is preferred in an arranged marriage. All matrimonial sites show even the ads of those kinds of girls for a guy. But what about a short girl? Doesn’t she have the right to get married or find a good partner? She has faced a lot and goes through a lot of questioning eyes before getting married, especially in an arranged marriage. There are a lot of problems she faces when her family looks for a guy.

5 Problems Faced by a Short Girl While Looking for a Life Partner

Challenges Faced by Short Girls in Arranged Marriages

1) Comments on Her Height – A short girl is often commented on her height. She is also made fun of. People ask how she will be able to fetch things from a higher shelf. She is also asked if she would look good with the guy because of their height difference.

2) Comparison to a Child – A short girl is often compared to a little child. She is often made fun of by saying that her height looks like that as a child and not enough to get married.

3) Height Becomes More Important Than Her Qualities – She is rejected only based on her height. Even if a family like everything about her including her qualities, she might get rejected because she is short.

4) Thoughts of the Child Born Out of Her to be Short Too – Even before the finalizing of a girl, a guy’s parents start thinking as to what kind of a child she will have. Just because the girl is short they reject her based on the fact that the child she will wear will also not gain height.

5) Comments on Clothes – Everyone’s in a while a short girl is asked where she bought her clothes from. Sometimes parents think of this as a disadvantage. They feel as if it will be difficult to buy clothes for her. Thinking of this as a reason they might want to reject a girl who is short in height.

In the end, what people don’t know or understand is what matters more is not her height, but her personality and the kind of person she is. She will look after her family not because of her height but because of her nature.

In our Blog section, you will find a lot of posts related to the problems a person faces in marriage and a lot of solutions to those problems.

Wedgate Matrimony

Wedgate Matrimony stands as the best marriage bureau in delhi, esteemed for its unparalleled expertise in forging meaningful connections. With a devoted team of professionals, we specialize in personalized matchmaking services tailored to individual preferences and cultural backgrounds. Our unwavering commitment to excellence ensures successful matches and enduring relationships, making Wedgate Matrimony the top choice for those seeking love and companionship in the vibrant city of Delhi.

Also remember, if you think someone is the right choice, go for it. Don’t reject based only on one particular parameter.

Don’t miss: What Happens When Someone Plans to Remarry after A divorce in India?

Why Does a Female Prefer a Serviceman to a Businessman to Get Married?

When you plan to get married to someone, you need to see what kind of a person he is if he will be able to keep you happy, and also if he is financially stable to take care of you and your needs. A businessman may earn more, but in the end, he does not have a fixed income. The money that he has today, may not be there tomorrow.

Why Does a Female Prefer a Serviceman to a Businessman to Get Married?

Why Women Prefer Servicemen over Businessmen for Marriage

1) Fixed Income – When you start a new month, you know how much you have in your hand, what your fixed expenses are, and what gets left. So you know what money is to be spent where. All your expenses are aligned accordingly, and you know what you have to save, or what you can spend on luxury.

2) Fixed Work Timings – A man who does a salaried job has fixed working hours. You know when he will leave for the office, and what time he will come back home. As a partner, you are free to do whatever you want throughout the time you have. And you also know when your husband will spend time with you.

3) Holiday Feels Like a Holiday – In a service, you have a week off at least 1 day. It is that day, that there is no disturbance in their time.

4) No Work Tension at Home – For a salaried employee, work is only till the time they are at the office. Once home, there is no more tension of work.

When it comes to a salaried employee, he may have a lower income compared to a businessman, but at the end of the day, he is happy. A wife would always want her husband who can spend time with her and not talk about work only. Even if a matrimonial service says that the person is a salaried employee in a particular company, always remember to get it verified at least once. Who knows, he may not hold the post they claim. In a salaried job, the only problem is an increment. Depending on work and company, it can be slow sometimes.

Wedgate Matrimony

Wedgate Matrimony stands as the best matrimonial agency in Delhi, renowned for its unmatched expertise in facilitating meaningful connections. With a dedicated team of professionals, we specialize in personalized matchmaking services tailored to individual preferences and cultural backgrounds. Our commitment to excellence ensures successful matches and enduring relationships, making Wedgate Matrimony the trusted choice for those seeking love and companionship in the bustling metropolis of Delhi.

On our blog page, you will get to know more about marriages. Do check it out if you have any kind of doubt in your mind.

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What Happens When Someone Plans to Remarry after a divorce in India?

Going into a divorce can be painful and traumatizing. But having a divorce does not mean the end of life. It can also mean the start of a new one. At times, a person might get divorced just because they fell out of love with someone. Or there might be other numerous reasons. However, when making that decision, what a person has to go to, only they can feel. Even on matrimonial sites if you see it, you will never find anything about remarriage.

What Happens When Someone Plans To Remarry After A Divorce In India?

Challenges Faced When Remarrying After Divorce in India

What a person goes through when they plan to remarry after a divorce is something you will read here:

1) Mental Torture – The people all around keep blaming them for their divorce. They somehow put the person on a guilt trip, even if they knew it was the partner at fault.

2) Taunts – Any person who wants to remarry after a divorce has to hear a lot of things from the public. Starting from the fact that they did not do anything to make their marriage last, to even hearing things like they got a divorce just to get remarried to another person again.

3) No support from family – In most cases, we see that the family does not support the remarried partner. Be it the mother or the father of the girl, somehow they don’t accept her fully as their daughter-in-law just because she was married elsewhere.

4) Doubts – The biggest problem with people here is that they don’t want to believe what is true. They just want to cook up their stories and believe what they feel like.

5) A New Life – Beyond everything, the couple gets a new life. They again get someone who loves them, who cares for them and is by their side in the journey of life. They get love, even after they have lost all hopes of being loved again.

Divorce is a difficult phase for any person but what is more difficult, is not getting a second chance at life.

What a person goes through after a divorce only they can understand. Here we always feel that no matter what you never have to feel anything like that. However, even if you do you have a right to be happy and live happily. If you’re searching for a bride or groom for remarriage, contact Wedgate Matrimony. We’ve verified the profiles who want to start their second marriage life.

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How to Support your Female Partner after Marriage?

After you are married it is your partner who becomes the most important part of your life. You need to understand and respect the fact that she has left everything behind just to be with you and your family. There may be times when she might not understand the things happening in your house or may act differently. But at that moment instead of being angry at her, you need to be the person to support her. When you start doing that you see that over time she starts learning and adapting to things easily.

How to Support your Female Partner after Marriage

5 ways to support your female partner after marriage:

1) Respect Her – the most important thing a girl looks for is respect from her husband. It is said that only when your partner respects you will the world do the same. If you insult her in front of others, people will consider insulting her a normal thing.

2) Love Her – what has the girl done that does not deserve your love? You may be angry over things or you may not like certain things, but still at all times love her and be there by her side. That is enough for her.

3) Understand Things She Says – every person has a way of doing things, and it may be possible that her way differs from the way followed in your family. But just because she is an outsider who has come in, don’t try and put things on her. Understand what she is trying to say and make your family understand too. If you do that, she will trust you better.

4) Praise Her for Things She Does Right – you need to remember that your partner is new to the house and might not know a lot of things about your family. Please her for things she does right. It will encourage her.

5) Take Her Stand in front of Others – even if your partner is wrong, you may scold her in the confines of the bedroom. But when in front of people take her stand. This will give her trust in you. She will respect you more. And when you take her stand, no one will be able to point a finger at her.

Any marriage bureau that talks about marriage will only tell you about the girl. But nobody will tell you how to support each other after you are married. In our blog section, you will find all kinds of details related to marriage. Do check it out, and remember, the more you respect, the more you get respected.

Don’t Miss: Can a Wife Stay with her Parents After Marriage?

Can a Wife Stay with her Parents After Marriage?

What is the difference between being married to a person and being in a relationship with that same person? It is mostly the fact that you get to stay with that person 24*7. But just imagine what happens when you are married but you still want to stay at your mother’s place. Is it right? Is it something you should be doing? Or is it something you should oppose? If you look at any matrimonial site or bureau, the first thing they tell you about a girl is how well she will be able to manage her house. No one talks about the fact that a wife, instead of staying at her husband’s house, will stay at her parents’ house.

Can a Wife Stay with her Parents After Marriage 1

Why a Wife Should Not Stay with Her Parents After Marriage?

1) Why Marry? – did you marry to get your title changed from Mrs? Or for the world to know that you are married, and no one can now tell you anything? If not, then why would you want to deprive your husband of a proper marriage?

2) Expectations of In-Laws – when a son is born, one of the important things a mother starts thinking about is his marriage and the kind of daughter-in-law she will get. But what happens to those parents when they get the sun married but their wife does not want to stay with them?

3) Your Responsibility – when you are married it is your responsibility to look after your husband at least. Though we live in a modern culture now, it is still important to fulfill that. Staying with your parents gives your husband the same bachelor’s life he had. Then why would he get married to you?

4) Society – the first thing a society talks about when they see the wife not staying with her in-laws is negative. They talk about the problems the husband-wife might have, or that the wife might not gel well with her in-laws. No family wants their private matters to go public, and people question them.

5) It Is Not Right – even if you are the only daughter in your house, either you shouldn’t get married or you should be able to look after your parents from afar. Just think about the parents of your husband. Who will look after them then? Our culture is made in a way that a wife goes to the man’s house after marriage, and that should be maintained.

Saying all this, if there is an emergency at home or a situation wherein you need to go, there is no one stopping you. But that should be for a limited time and not always. Naturally, a daughter wants to keep visiting her parents. But the frequency and time spent matter a lot, and one should do well to remember that.

Wedgate Matrimony

Wedgate Matrimony, renowned as the best matrimonial agency in Delhi, offers exceptional matchmaking services. With a rich database of eligible brides and grooms, they ensure personalized and confidential assistance. Their experienced team provides tailored matches based on individual preferences and family values, making the process seamless and effective. Trust Wedgate Matrimony for a reliable and fulfilling matrimonial journey in Delhi, where relationships are crafted with care and precision.

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Reasons Why Arranged Marriage is Still Successful

Even when you fall in love, your parents always want to know your partner and their family well enough before they get you married. When we talk about any matrimonial site it is always a good match that we look for. In arranged marriages, there is no pressure of getting your child married to a particular person. You can take your time, know the person and their family, and then make a decision. You have a very good option to reject it if you don’t like it. But this is not happening in the case of a love marriage. Your child is stuck on marrying that particular person irrespective of anything and everything.

Why Arranged Marriage is Still Successful

Advantages of Arranged Marriage, and Why They are Still Successful Include:

1) The Expectation – in an arranged marriage both parents are aware of what the other one brings with them. The rules and responsibilities to be catered to are also clear from the beginning. If there are certain expectations that the other family has, and you don’t agree with them, you have the option of saying no.

2) The Choices – when it comes to arranged marriage you can look for multiple choices, and then finalize the one you like the most. Even if one has certain shortcomings, it is not necessary to marry that person.

3) Social Compatibility – in the case of a love marriage you have to accept whatever you get on the table. But in the case of an arranged marriage, you can check everything before you say yes to a match. If there is something you don’t like, you can reject that choice completely.

4) The Meeting and Courtship – It is a very special feeling, as it is only during this time that you get to know the person you are marrying. The phase is beautiful, and this is what makes the life ahead loving. In the case of a love marriage, you already know everything about your partner and have stayed with them before, so there is nothing special.

5) Your Parents Know What is Best – in the end, your parents have seen more world than you have. They are a better judge of people. When they take the time and make a decision it is mostly right.

Arranged marriages are more common as compared to love marriages. And that is mainly because in arranged marriages you have the time to make things work according to you and to look for something suitable to your needs.

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Is it Right to go Against Parents for Marriage?

Having your parents’ consent for marriage is very important. Their blessings are what a couple seeks at all times. However, there are times when parents become rigid in their decisions. In such a situation if you are sure of your partner and you know that is what you want, then you tend to go against your parents. When your parents see you happy, in most cases they accept your partner. In reality, you should always take time, make your parents understand, and get married with their consent. It is a beautiful feeling having your family around when you are getting married.

Is it Right to go Against Parents for Marriage

Certain Reasons, Why you Should not go Against Your Parents Include:

1) Their happiness – throughout their lives, your parents have sacrificed everything for you. In the end, if they disagree with your partner they have strong reasons for that. Sometimes making your parents happy should be more important than being happy yourself. Who says if your parents find a partner for you, you cannot be happy with them?

2) They Have Seen More World Than You Have – your parents have more experience of what is right and what is not. They have seen things happen and make a decision based on their experience.

3) They Want the Best for you Always – it is only in the case of a love marriage that we plan to go against our parents. But what we don’t realize is somewhere or the other they have our best interest at heart. We don’t realize anything just because we are completely in love. But they can see through the reality and don’t want us to suffer.

4) They Have Always Dreamt of Your Wedding – since the time a child is born all appearance and think of is their wedding. They even start saving up something other from the beginning. Just for a person, you have met recently how can you take away this big happiness from them?

5) They Want you to be Happy – under no circumstance would a parent want that child to suffer. If they can see through a person or a family and realize the unhappiness of the child, they would never agree. The only greed they have in that situation is your happiness. It is at the end of your life. Why would your parents say no otherwise?

Even though it is important to get married to the person you love, it is also important to see that your parents are happy with the marriage. In the end, you are in the world because of your parents. Even if you plan to go to a marriage bureau the first question they ask you is about your parents. Respect them and love them because that is what they have done throughout their lives.

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