3×3 Rules in Marriage, Is it Works or Not?

Married life gets changed after having kids. The time couples used to spend together is now sacrificed for daycare trips, potty training, feeding babies, and other things. Showing carelessness can overwhelm you and bring your happy wedding relationship into an endless downhill fall. This is where you can work on the 3×3 rule of marriage. Don’t know what it is and how it can help? Let’s learn about it here.

What is a 3×3 Rule?

This is a way couples can use to purposely plan their time together as alone and as a couple. According to this rule, you and your spouse take out three hours from your life to spend quality time alone with one another and rest 3 hours to enjoy entirely by yourself. You can use this time all in a single day or divide it and distribute it throughout the week as per your preference.
The biggest advantage of using this complete arrangement is that this time is completely non-negotiable. This means, no matter how much you are busy taking care of your kids or other things, you will get some way to enjoy this time together.

Benefits of 3×3 Rule

Benefits of 3x3 Rule
This rule has a strict structure that creates predictability, efficiency, and peace of mind. It provides the essential balance to life. Moreover, it eases relational tension by avoiding arguments and common discontent. It will make your time together highly meaningful and provide quality time with children. This will eventually help you in becoming a better partner and a parent.
Unmarried people can prevent the need to work on this rule by finding a compatible would-be partner through a matrimonial site. Wedgate Matrimony provides the ultimate platform to look for the right partner and get many more services.

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Things To Avoid Before The Wedding

Every would-be couple, especially brides love to look fit in their wedding outfits with flawless appearance and personality. In order to make that dream come true, certain things must be avoided some weeks or months before the wedding day. So, let’s take a tour of the list of don’ts for the would-be bride.

1. Food Items to Avoid

Food Items to Avoid
Before your wedding day, there are some food items you should avoid. Avoid excess intake of salt as it can cause water retention in your body. This eventually leads to swelling or bloating that makes you appear heavier. Dairy products such as cheese or yogurt can bloat up your belly and cause indigestion. Also, avoid sweets and fried food, carbonated drinks, caffeine intake, and spicy food.

2. Haircuts and Hair Color

Haircuts and Hair ColorKeep the hairstyle the same without trying any drastic haircut or new hair color. It will change the style and texture of your hair. Note that your hairstyle needs to go in coordination with your D-day dresses, makeup, and jewelry. To refresh your shade without affecting your look, ask a hair expert to apply a clear gloss on strands for extra shine and sheen.

3. New Workouts

New WorkoutsKeep going with your traditional workout without trying something new before you tie the knot. This is not the right time for new moves as pulled muscles can take about weeks to get recovered. If you need to burn out some fat, you can begin a new fitness program with a specialized expert.

If you are looking for a dietician, then you can approach Wedgate Matrimony, a leading marriage bureau that offers pre-wedding dietician services and other matrimonial services. Dieticians and nutritional experts will help you to stay in proper mental and physical shape on your special day.

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Can Marriage Happen In The Same Gotra?

In Hinduism, there is a scientifically based system – the Gotra system that associates an individual with ancestors of steady male lineage. Nearly all people in Hindus practice this system. People of the same gotra don’t essentially have the same origin. The genes experience changes in course of time as the partners have different parents.

Why Are Hindu Marriages In Same Gotra Forbidden?


Marriages in Hindu communities under the same Gotra are prohibited due to the DNA’s close connection among partners if they belong to the same gotra. People having similar gotra are kith and kin. Same-gotra weddings are avoided because inherited irregularities may happen due to familiarity with DNAs.

Let’s discover some of the common reasons why marriage cannot possible in the same gotra.

1. Man is considered the successor of great mentors.

2. Marriage in the same gotra can put the kids at risk of physical defects, mental and character defects.

3. In mythological terms, each sage in the clan has his reputation. Hence, couples marrying in the same clan are considered member of the same family.

4. Marriage in the same clan makes a girl and man brothers and sisters.

5. In religious beliefs, marriage in the same gotra will put the relationship between the couples in danger.

6. According to the scriptures, marriage in the same gotra is a sin in Hinduism. Sages considered this wedding system a violation of the gotra tradition.

7. Marriage within the same gotra often results in genetic defects. That’s why the same clan marriages are prohibited.

So, now that you understand marriage can’t happen in the same gotra, find the most compatible partner from another gotra with matrimonial services. Wedgate Matrimony allows clients to search for the right life partner from any caste, religion, and community.

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Christian Wedding Customs & Rituals to Know Before Attending a Christian Wedding

Compared to Hindu wedding rituals Christian marriages are short. When it comes to a Christian wedding, we mostly think about frothy white dresses and a bunch of flowers. But, there are so many things that revolve around Christian marriage. Interested in learning what are these? Keep on reading this post.

7 Customs & Rituals of Christian Wedding:


1. Matchmaking

Just like Indian arranged marriage, a Christian wedding also consists of matchmaking rituals. As per this ritual, the Christian family search for a compatible match for their son or daughter. Matrimonial services ease this process by providing thousands of profiles as per the user’s requirements.

2. Engagement

This is a pre-wedding ritual in which the parents of the bride and groom host a party to announce the marriage. It is also declared in the respective churches in front of family and friends.

3. Bridal Shower

Bridal Shower
This pre-wedding ritual is organized for a bride. It is attended by all the female guests. The guests shower gifts and motivation to a bride to help and bless her for her happy married life. A bride cuts the pink cake featuring a hidden thimble. It is traditionally believed that a girl who gets the slice of cake with that thimble is believed to be the next to marry.

4. Bachelorette Party

Bachelorette Party
This is similar to the bridal shower but it is arranged for the would-be groom by his male cousins and friends. This is a western concept celebrated for the groom to enjoy his last day as a bachelor.

5. The Roce Ceremony

The Roce Ceremony
This ceremony takes place in Indian Christian communities. The bride and the groom take a ritualistic bath in their homes. Turmeric paste is applied to the bride and groom in North Indian Christians community. Coconut paste is applied among South Indian Christians.

6. Bridal Entrance

Bridal Entrance
On the wedding day, a bride enters the venue in a car sent by the groom. She is received at the church by the groom family’s best man and is escorted into the church by the best man of the groom’s family.

7. Exchange of Vows

Exchange of Vows
The priest utters the Opening remarks. The bride and groom then utter the vows of marriage. If you’re looking for the best bride and groom in the Christian community, then Wedgate Matrimony will ease this process. You can find interesting matches based on social status, physical features, location, and more parameters.

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Top 5 Legal Benefits of Marriage in India

In India, marriages are planned and controlled according to the personal laws of the religion stated by both parties to the marriage. For example, The Foreign Marriage Act, of 1969 for international weddings and the Special Marriage Act, of 1954 for religious weddings. There are many laws to regulate the important situations of a valid marriage. Alongside emotional and social benefits, being married provide some more benefits.

If you’re finding the right life partner with a matrimonial site to spend the rest of your life with, then consider the legal benefits of marriage.

1. Filing Taxes Jointly

Filing Taxes JointlyIf one partner is doing a high-paid job or simply a job and another partner is staying at home, it will help to file taxes jointly. Filing separately could prevent couples from enjoying the advantages of getting to reduce two exemption amounts from the income.

2. Marital Tax Benefits
Marital Tax Benefits

Another biggest legal benefits include unlimited marital tax deduction. You can transfer a limitless amount of assets to your partner at any time without adding any tax. Creating Family Partnerships under federal tax laws helps divide the business income among family members.

3. Government Benefits
Government Benefits

After getting married, you can receive Medicare, disability, and social security benefits for your better half. Even it also offers public assistance benefits, military, and veterans’ benefits for your partner such as special loans and education.

4. Financial Benefits
Financial Benefits

If you’re not eligible for Social Security benefits, you can enjoy your partner’s benefits. But, you need to be at least 62 years old when caring for a kid who can get benefits and is disabled or aged less than 16 years. Another advantage is the IRA account. The working spouse with taxable income can contribute to the IRA account of their partner who is not working. But, you must file a joint tax return for this.

5. Legal Decision-Making Benefits
Legal Decision-Making Benefits

Married people have the status of next-of-kin for hospital visits. It means you are allowed to make medical decisions in the situation your life partner suffered from any illness or becomes disabled. You’re legally eligible to appeal for the wrongful death of your other half. You can also take decisions about whether to cremate your dead partner or not.

To enjoy these benefits, it’s important to marry the perfect person who will always be there to support you. Wedgate Matrimony provides you with the platform to find the most compatible life partner with ease and complete safety.

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Role of Wife and Husband in Modern Family

The popular quote ‘Wife and husband are like two wheels of a cart is indeed true in a complete sense. The coordinated efforts from each of them and support in all the circumstances whether it’s good or bad help in running a happy family. They are more than a support system for maintaining a good family and successful relationships. That’s a reason why most people are approaching the marriage bureau to find the right husband or wife who keeps a family unitedly and happily forever.

Wife and Husband’s Role in Family

The main responsibilities of a good husband and wife revolve around four terms – love, protect, share, and serve:

Wife and Husband’s Role in Family (1)

1. The journey of togetherness in a modern family brings many ups and downs. The couple’s duty towards family is to share all the responsibilities and face the challenges together without any conflicts or arguments no matter how complicated the situation is.

2. A wife’s life is no longer restricted to staying at home and doing household chores. The husband must understand the need to help her in with the household tasks. Both husband and wife contribute equally or do their best to meet the financial and other requirements of home and family members.

3. Protect your life partner, kids, and other family members in all manners – physical, psychological, mental, or emotional. Your family should feel completely safe in your presence.

4. The husband has always been the family’s leader but things got changed in the modern era. Today, both husband and wife take charge of their responsibilities without being too bossy. Sit together and have a proper discussion with each other to be on the same page about running your family successfully and properly.

5. If you have kids, engage them to help you based on their age. Assign and tell them their responsibilities to manage things together and make them responsible.

6. Trust and love are the foundation of a happy family. Love every family member unconditionally not just in terms of words but express that in everyday actions. Children always learn by imitating. So, behave and live the way you want your children to be. Try to be a role model, teacher, and best buddy to your kid to make them share everything with you.

Wedgate Matrimony is the leading marriage bureau in Delhi that provides happy times to many families by finding a compatible spouse.

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