How to Make Strong Your Second Marriage?

Most people believe that a second marriage never lasts a lifetime. But, this is not true at all. Over the last decade, there has been a significant increase in the record of successful second marriages in India. Now, a broken marriage doesn’t mean the end of life. A divorced person or a widower with or without kids can search for the perfect bride or groom with matrimonial services online.

Ways to Make Strong Your Second Marriage

Here, we have enlisted some of the most powerful tips that you can work on to make your second marriage strong and successful for the rest of your life.

7 Ways to Make Strong Your Second Marriage

1. Look at your spouse doing something good and then appreciate them for doing that. Creating an environment of tolerance, respect, and appreciation maintains the warmth of togetherness in a relationship.

2. Regardless of how hectic your life is, take out some quality time and create a relaxed environment to have an interactive conversation with your better half.

3. Stop comparing your new spouse to your ex or other people. Don’t allow these memory-triggering moments to become an obstacle in your new wedding life.

4. Always be open to your partner. Discuss all minor and major problems to deal with them together.

5. Discuss your feelings and expectations as keeping them just along with you can lead to misunderstandings.

6. Be self-aware to direct second marriage challenges effectively. Don’t allow them to create an impact on your new relationship.

7. Since you have opened a new chapter of your life, never jump to the previous pages. Come out of your previous thinking patterns.

Wedgate Matrimony has helped many people bring back the beautiful colors in their dull lives by finding the right partner for second marriage or late marriage. They make the matchmaking process easy.

Don’t Miss: Why Second Marriage in India is a Good Choice?

How to Know if You’re Marrying the Right Person?

Are you ready to tie the knot of marriage? Wondering whether it would be your right decision or not? Remember that it is not marriage that makes your life happier. It is you that makes your wedding life blissful. Many wedding couples are less happy than average single people. While many bachelor people are much happier than the average wedding couple. Happy, successful, and long-lasting marriages are created by supportive and happy couples who have realistic expectations and clear goals for their future life as one.

Learning whether the person you’re marrying is the right partner can go a long way in making a good decision about marriage and your future life.

7 Signs You Are Marrying the Right Person

1. Understanding


However, knowing a would-be person within a few days or months is not possible. No one can judge someone in only some meetings. But, try to know another person as much as possible. Try to understand what and how the other person thinks and what bothers them the most while having a relationship. Make an effort to know each other’s likes and dislikes, future goals, viewpoints, traits, behavior, and expectations.

2. Dependency


Well, we can’t rely on someone completely but it is possible in some ways. Relying on other people helps in trusting them. To find out how you can rely on a selected partner, don’t hesitate to ask some questions. Ask if he or she will call you when going to be late to come home. Can you depend on them to care enough for your best? Can you depend on them to express how good or bad your day was? Is he or she truly the person they represent themselves to be?

3. Trust


No relationship can survive without trust. A wall of relation can’t stand strong without the foundation of trust. Every human has some good or bad traits. A person you’re marrying should be trustworthy enough not to use your faults against you. He or she should hide your faults and family matters from others.

Alongside these factors, commitment is what you must consider before marrying a selected person. Before making the final commitment of marriage, involved in a commitment to meeting each other regularly. After understanding each other, enter the pre-engagement phase.

4. Shared Values and Goals

While differences can add depth and richness to a relationship, a shared foundation of values and goals is vital for long-term compatibility. When you’re with the right person, you align on fundamental aspects of life, such as beliefs, priorities, and ambitions. You share common interests and aspirations, and you’re committed to building a future together that reflects your shared vision. This alignment provides a sense of unity and purpose that strengthens your bond over time.

5. Emotional Intimacy and Connection

Emotional intimacy goes beyond physical attraction; it’s about feeling deeply connected to your partner on a psychological and emotional level. When you’re marrying the right person, you experience a profound sense of closeness and understanding that transcends words. You can be vulnerable with each other, sharing your hopes, fears, and dreams without reservation. This emotional connection fosters intimacy and fosters a sense of security and belonging in the relationship.

6. Unconditional Love and Acceptance

Unconditional Love and Acceptance

True love is unconditional; it accepts you for who you are, flaws and all. When you’re with the right person, you feel loved and accepted for your authentic self, without the need to pretend or conform to unrealistic expectations. Your partner embraces your imperfections and sees the beauty in your uniqueness. Together, you create a safe and nurturing environment where you can grow and evolve as individuals while deepening your love for each other.

7. Open and Honest Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. When you’re marrying the right person, you can communicate openly and honestly without fear of judgment or reprisal. You feel comfortable expressing your thoughts, feelings, and concerns, knowing that your partner will listen attentively and respond with empathy. Healthy communication fosters intimacy, strengthens trust, and lays the groundwork for a lasting connection.

Remember that marrying someone is a big commitment that impacts your life. Wedgate Matrimony provides matrimonial services to find and meet the right person based on your needs and expectations.

Wrapping Up

Marrying the right person is a profound journey filled with love, growth, and fulfillment. By recognizing these signs in your relationship, you can feel confident in your decision to embark on this lifelong commitment. Remember that every relationship is unique, and there will be challenges along the way, but with mutual respect, open communication, shared values, emotional intimacy, and unconditional love, you can establish a marriage that endures the trials of time. So, cherish each moment with your partner and embrace the journey ahead with joy and optimism.

Must Read: Does Marriage Make You Happy?

How to Keep the Spark Alive in a Long-Term Marriage?

Well, to get married to your loved one is not soo difficult as keeping the Spark alive in your relationship is. To feel, what you felt for your better half after a decade, is what keeps the relationship running for a lifetime.

Keep the Spark Alive in a Marriage

5 Proven Tips to Keep the Spark Alive in a Marriage

1. Be Adventurous

You must keep trying new things with your partner to spice up things. Be adventurous and push one another to take risks and try new things.

2. Spend “WE Time”

It’s good to go on vacations with friends and family but in between it is also important to spend some time alone with your better half. Just the two of you with no one else.

3. Communicate Emotions with Your Partner

Saying “I Love You” now and again does sound very promising and loving, but at times, it is important to express your love and emotions beyond I Love You.
Sometimes words like “You mean the world to me” can express more feelings than saying I Love you.

4. Plan a Date Night Regularly

You went for multiple dates before you got married, but once you are tied in the knot, the responsibilities make you keep aside the romance in your life. Therefore it is important that at least once a fortnight you must take time to plan a date with your partner.

5. Talk About Coupling

It is important to be physically intimate in any relationship and even more important to include sex in your conversations. If you “Omit Coupling from your Relationship” – the relationship ultimately ceases to exit.

Just take time for your partner, make them feel loved,d and don’t ignore them because of your responsibilities. After all, it’s YOU and YOUR PARTNER that make the relationship, don’t ignore the essence of that relationship.

Related: Outlook of Arranged Marriage in Modern Time

How Do I Find a Bride for My Marriage?

Every person hopes to find true love in the form of a supportive and trustworthy life partner one day. Few people believe that it will locate them when they don’t expect much from it. However, others actively find them. If you are ready to tie the knot of marriage but wondering how to find a perfect bride, then you can reach the marriage bureau near you. But, be sure it must be reliable and provide secure services.

Online Dating Sites

Online Dating Sites

Some people still prefer traditional dating. They date people and believe that they may interact with that person when they go outside in public. They use dating sites to search for their true love. But, note that this way will help you in finding true love. It will not assist you in finding a person whom you can marry. For locating the marriage material, you can visit a matrimonial site.

Meet Your Dream Girl with Matchmaking Service

Meet Your Dream Girl with Matchmaking Service

Indian matrimonial or matchmaking sites are the convenient and safest way to search for the would-be bride or groom. These sites provide results based on the practices, religion, cultural beliefs, communities, and your other customized search criteria. Not just single people, but window and divorced people can also seek a partner for their second marriage.

Determine Your Needs Before You Start Searching

Before finding your bride for your marriage, find out which wedding you prefer i.e. love or arrange marriage. The best thing is that matchmaking services work for all types of marriages. You and your parents can together find the right person considering the family background, status, career, and other factors.

Some sites such as Wedgate Matrimony provide a platform to find the prospective bride or groom along with other services. For example, pre-wedding

Frequently Ask Question

Q1. How can I start my search for a bride?
A1. Begin by understanding your preferences and values.

Q2. Is online dating a good option?
A2. Yes, reputable dating websites can be effective.

Q3. Write Top 3 Matrimonial Sites in India
A3. 1. WedgateMatrimony .com

Q4. What should I do if I face rejection during my search?
A4. Rejection is a natural part of dating. Don’t take it personally and use it as an opportunity for self-improvement. Keep a positive attitude and keep searching.

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How to Handle Religious and Cultural Differences in a Marriage?

Have you ever argued with someone you love during a conversation? These discussions can be quite uncomfortable, especially when they involve strongly held views. If not handled with care and acceptance, discrepancies in spirituality or religious and cultural views can cause pain and unhappiness.

The connection can be strengthened when two different cultural or religious backgrounds coexist in a marriage.

Some Steps to Handle Religious and Cultural Differences in a Marriage are :

1) Understand the difference and what it would cause in your life – The first step is to acknowledge the differences and how they might effect your shared life. Avoidance is not a viable option, so figure out how these differences may influence you and your partner so you can come up with a plan for how to handle them as a couple.

2) Accepting your partner the way they are – Couples who belong to the same religion can disagree over some spiritual or religious practices. Despite having vastly diverse religious convictions, many mixed-faith marriages and partnerships succeed. You need to be able to trust your partner and accept them as who they are.

3) Share stories about your culture and religion – Help your partner accept your culture by telling them about it. Tell them stories on different topics about your culture and religion.

4) Therapy – Go for therapy. you both understand each other better.

Unless you find a different alternative that seems desirable, you will live as you were raised. You and your partner have been taught various values and priorities by customs and culture. This calls for you two to grow and reach an understanding. You both need to come to a common ground where your wishes meet reality in order to stay happy.

Frequently asked questions

Q1. How can we respect each other’s religious beliefs without compromising our own?
A1. It’s important to have open and honest conversations about your individual beliefs and find common ground where you can both respect and support each other’s faith while maintaining your own convictions.

Q2 Are there any rituals or traditions we can incorporate from both our cultures to strengthen our bond?
A2. Absolutely, blending cultural practices can be a beautiful way to bond. Identify rituals or celebrations from each culture that hold personal significance and integrate them into your married life.

Q3. What should we do if our families have strong opinions about our interfaith or intercultural marriage?
A3. Diplomacy and communication are key. Talk to your families about your decision, emphasizing your love and commitment. Over time, they may come to accept and support your choice.

Q4. How do we handle religious holidays and customs?
A4. Prioritize open communication and compromise. Decide which holidays and customs you both want to celebrate and find ways to make them meaningful for both of you.

Q5. Can we raise our children with both religious and cultural backgrounds?
A5. Yes, but it requires careful planning and discussion. Decide how you will introduce both faiths and cultures to your children and ensure they receive a well-rounded education about their heritage.

Don’t miss:- How To Keep The Spark Alive In A Long-Term Marriage?

How to Manage Arguments in Marriage?

A few arguments or conflicts are common and okay in married life. But, when this becomes a regular pattern of everyday life, it can negatively affect their relationship. According to psychologists, couples can disagree with their thoughts and they can even fight while having love and respect for each other. Addressing needs, compromise & empathy – Handling arguments in marriage Problem understanding & strengthens bonds. It is said that married couples who don’t have any arguments or conflicts often end their relationship with a divorce.

Manage Arguments In Marriage

So, if you have arguments in your relationship, then don’t worry. But, to avoid negatively affecting your relationship and avoiding breakdown,  Let’s discover what you need to do for that.

8 Ways to Manage Arguments in Marriage:

  • Give an end to the arguments by finding the cause of the problem. It will help in having a productive discussion and reaching a compromise.
  • Please don’t attach your spouse’s dumps as it may fuel the fire. So, emphasize the facts to get a solution.
  • Don’t blame your partner all the time. Identify your mistakes in the argument and apologize from your end in front of your spouse to show accountability.
  • When you both have different opinions, don’t feel afraid to show your requirements.
  • The absence of physical affection in your relationship can sometimes increase arguments. So, show some love by patting your partner’s shoulder, giving him/her a hug, or holding hands.
  • Never make assumptions that your better half doesn’t care about you. Pay attention to their story and understand them rather than keep arguing with them.
  • Don’t hide your feelings even make straightforward statements about how you feel currently.
  • Accept that no person is perfect. So, be willing to change yourself as well.

The best way to avoid arguments is to find the right partner with a marriage bureau like Wedgate Matrimony.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do I handle arguments in my marriage effectively?
Ans. Managing arguments in marriage requires understanding, communication, and empathy. strategies to listen actively, express your feelings calmly, and find compromises that strengthen your relationship.

Q2.  What are some common mistakes to avoid during marital arguments?
Ans. Discover common pitfalls like blaming, criticizing, or shutting down emotionally during arguments. Learn how to avoid these mistakes to maintain healthy communication and prevent escalation.

Q3. How can we improve communication during disagreements in our marriage?
Ans. Effective communication is key. Explore techniques such as “I” statements, active listening, and taking breaks when needed to ensure productive conversations even during heated moments.

Q4. Are there any proven techniques to de-escalate conflicts with my spouse?
Ans. De-escalation techniques like deep breathing, taking a pause, and focusing on the bigger picture can help diffuse tense situations.

Q5. What role does empathy play in managing arguments within a marriage?
Ans. Empathy fosters understanding and connection. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes, acknowledge their feelings, and communicate your own emotions to find common ground and resolve conflicts more effectively.

Don’t Miss: Facts About Rajputs Marriage

How to Start a Conversation with a Girl in Arranged Marriage Meeting?

How to Start a Conversation with a Girl in Arranged Marriage Meeting

Hey men, if you are one of those who would be shortly meeting a prospective girl that you would be marrying, you may want to read through this entire blog to know how you can get on an interesting and engaging conversation. We are not going to give you tips to woo her yet, but here are some things that you can take care of so that you don’t have a girl walk away at your first meet-up.

Start your conversation with simpler questions about her name, whereabouts, and her family. Tell about yourself too but be cautious that you don’t rant on about your family history and what a great background you have.

Make efforts to find out about her education if she continues to study or wish to do so in the future. If she is a working person, ask about her career aspirations and how she wishes to focus on them. The girl could also interact with you to know about your educational background and your career with its short-term/long-term goals.

When trying to know about her family, it would be good to also get her to stand on the obligations that she has in her family. You might be meeting with girls who have a desire to financially support their parents even after their marriage.

Put her at ease talking through her hobbies, and interests. If she is vocal about any of them, try to listen to it out so that you know the depth of her interest – you might just come across a person who has the same passion or hobby as you.

One of the foremost things to know and converse in your meeting is about the girl’s view of marriage. The interaction on this topic will help you understand the girl’s belief in the sanctity of this bond and how she wishes to live a marital life with a partner. It will be important to also share your views on the marriage with her – a healthy conversation may just get you to spend more time with the person and know more about the person

If you are from Delhi NCR and are thinking about availing the services of a matrimonial bureau to help you with your marriage plans, do contact Wedgate Matrimony. They have commendable experience and have proven successes of working with men/women to find their prospective partner with the interests of the families’ tradition and cultural values.

Frequently Ask Questions

Q1:  How should I start a conversation with a prospective girl for marriage?
Ans: Ask simple questions about her name, whereabouts, and family. Share about yourself but avoid lengthy family history.

Q2:  What topics should I discuss to get to know her better?
Ans: Inquire about her education, career aspirations, and hobbies to understand her interests.

Q3:  Is it important to know about her family’s financial obligations?
Ans: Yes, it’s good to know if she plans to financially support her parents after marriage.

Q4:  Should I discuss her views on marriage during the meeting?
Ans: Yes, discussing her beliefs about marriage is crucial to understanding her perspective.

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How to Reflect Your Faith into Your Wedding Religious Ceremonies and Traditions?

Marriage is a sacred and meaningful union between two people who have selected their partners through matrimonial services or traditional ways. Most people nowadays are lost in the intimate details and wonderment of wedding themes, decorations, and other things that lost the religious significance of wedding ceremonies, traditions, and celebrations.

If you want to reflect your religious faith and value in your wedding rituals, then understand the true importance of marriage and confirming your union before God. Implement the following tips to add religious elements to your wedding traditions and respect spiritual beliefs.

1. Décor


Incorporate your Holy book or favorite excerpts that speak to you as a couple about the sacredness of marriage and relationship. You can place it next to your regular guest book and ask your guests to highlight and sign their favorite verse or quote from a religious text. It will connect you with your guests on a religious level.

2. Jewelry


Another way to add religious elements to your wedding day is through jewelry. No matter whether you are wearing an engagement ring, bridal set wedding band, or other ornament, you can prefer religious jewelry that symbolizes your religious faith. A necklace with a pendant or a locket that opens up to show a scripture verse or a prayer can be incorporated.

3. Photography


Add your faith through your wedding photography. Perform religious traditions and rituals like Ganesh Puja, Gauri Puja, lighting a lamp, etc. based on your religion, and ask your photographer to capture those special moments.

4. Worship Songs or Prayer

Incorporate your favorite worship song, hymns, or prayer in the wedding ceremonies as background music when you both are walking down the aisle or guests are being seated. Add the words so that guests who are not aware of the words can also experience it all. Add an intimate touch to a prayer or any worship song during the reception.

5. Invite a Religious Member of Your Community

Invite a Religious Member of Your Community

Invite a local religious member like a Priest, Minister, Iman, or Rabbi based on your religious community to your celebrant-led wedding service. Ask them to start or end the traditions or rituals with their prayer.

The most important factor is to find the right partner who perfectly aligns with you in incorporating religious elements into your wedding functions. Wedgate Matrimony provides profiles of brides and grooms from various backgrounds, castes, and religions.

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How to Handle Money Issues in a Marriage?

It is not a surprising fact that money issues put a lot of strain on a relationship and ruin married life. If you and your partner are facing financial problems and don’t want them to destroy your relationship, then follow the tips mentioned here. It will help you in getting the best of your marriage.

1. Regular Communication

Regular Communication

Take some time out and engage in criticism-free discussion with your partner. Do regular communication and be open to compromise on your end as well. Talking about financial management and how to resolve money issues like debt, and methods to save money is important.

2. Understand Your Spouse’s Financial Outlook

Understand Your Spouse’s Financial Outlook

Most fights between couples are not just about finance but a clash of temperaments. So, understand your partner’s financial viewpoint to know how they consider money and how they were raised around finance. You can go for a money personality quiz to broaden this subject.

3. Set Your Budget Together

Set Your Budget Together

Evaluate your financial situation, set financial goals, and set a budget together to manage stress and reduce money issues.

4. Remain On The Same Team

Remain On The Same Team

Stop keeping secrets from your partner because it can put you on the fast track to married confusion. So, always remember that you are on the same team and there is no benefit in keeping things from your better half.

If you don’t want your married life to go in the way of arguments and conflicts, engage in open discussion of financial matters. Discuss financial management and finances early on in the relationship while finding a partner with matrimonial services to prevent fighting over money in the future. You can have an open interaction at Wedgate Matrimony to find and marry a person who will respect and support your financial goals.