In the current societal scenario, a wedding ceremony is taken as a very serious event to present your hospitality and illustrious living standards. The focal point of every eyeball at a wedding ceremony stays pinned over the bride and groom which makes it even more important for them to look enchanting.

With our pre-wedding dietician service, we ensure that you stay in good physical and mental shape at your wedding day. Our experienced panel of nutritional experts and dieticians help you plan the right daily schedule for nutrition and exercise. No matter if you are skinny or obese, our dieticians will make sure you get the right diet and do the right exercise to come up in a perfect shape. A balanced diet will make you physically fit and enhance your skin tone. Thus ensuring you look great during matrimonial alliance search stage, during wedding ceremonies and and afterwards.
Some deliverables of our dietician service include:
- Basic full body health checkup to outline your physical health status
- Pre-planning and counseling sessions with our dieticians
- Preparation of a daily food intake time table with food items
- Providing suggestions for exercises and other physical activity
- Routine assessment and health checks for metering progress